Saturday, February 25, 2012


At the Enemies of Syria (and everywhere else on the planet) conference in Tunis, Foreign Minister William Hague said that Britain was collecting evidence of war crimes in Syria.

Mr Hague said Britain was documenting the evidence of crimes against humanity in the country with a view to possible prosecutions in the International Criminal Court.

'Those responsible for the murder of entire families, the shelling of homes, the execution of detainees, the cleansing of political opponents and the torture and rape of women and children must be held to account,' he said.

[source : 'Whose side are they on?' Hillary Clinton blasts Russia and China as 'despicable' for opposing UN action on Syria, The Daily Mail, 25/02/2012]

But what about our glorious allies al Qaeda in Libya, Mr Hague?

They are torturing, exectuing, and raping.

And NATO (Neo Al Qaeda Terrorist Organisation) bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libya and Libyan civilians.

This takes double standards to a completely new level of incredibility.

And as for Clintonella de Vil. She said
'It's quite distressing to see two permanent members of the Security Council using their veto while people are being murdered - women, children, brave young men - houses are being destroyed.

[source : 'Whose side are they on?' Hillary Clinton blasts Russia and China as 'despicable' for opposing UN action on Syria, The Daily Mail, 25/02/2012]

How many Pakistani and Afghan women and children have been murderded and how many houses have been destroyed by unmanned drones while she has been Secretary of State?

And the USA has used its veto to defend Israel which as we all know is mudering women and children (take Operation Cast Lead) and destroying homes to make way for illegal settlements and an illegal wall.

Honestly. You couldn't make this stuff up!

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