Sunday, June 10, 2012


The apparent betrayal by Rand Paul has taken the wind out of the sails of the rapidly growing anti-Bilderberg movement. The documents recently leaked to Alex Jones from the 1966 Bilderberg meeting showed what Bilderberg thinks; nationalism is dangerous.

Fast forward to today.

A deal has been reached to request a bail out for Spanish banks directly, not the government, with upto 100 billion euros from either the EFSF or the ESM (details of the potential deal have not been released).

The official attendee list for Bilderberg 2012 from Spain lists the CEO of Caixabank, the CEO of El Pais and Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Deputy Prime Minister and also spokesperson for the Spanish government.

The official attendee list for Bilderberg 2012 lists Michael Noonan, the Minister of Finance for Ireland, along with Sutherland and Gallagher.

The EFSF currently has a lending capacity of 440 billion euros, so if this deal does go ahead then nearly a quarter of the fund will have been used to bail out the banks of just one nation in the euro zone.

The ESM has not yet been ratified, but it is considered to be a creep towards more European integration and loss of national sovereignty than the EFSF.

The deal would be overseen by the IMF, thereby further expanding the role of the IMF who said a few years ago that it would soon run the whole global economy. Indeed the terms of the ESM demand that the IMF oversee any deal involving the ESM.

This deal, if agreed, would represent a significant concession by Germany to the idea of pooled debt without brutal austerity.
One consequence of our diversified strategy is that funds raised are no longer attributed to a particular country. The funds are pooled and then disbursed to programme countries upon request.
[source : Lending operations, EFSF,, 10/06/2012]

And if the deal is financed by the new ESM (if ratified) then this would represent a creep towards further European integration and loss of national sovereignty.

Bilderberg Noonan is now expected to renegotiate a deal for Ireland. If Noonan can renegotiate that deal on terms similar to the one just agreed with Spain then this will be another indicator that Germany is caving into the pressure to fund a pooled debt without austerity.

So perhaps both Spain and Ireland have been used and abused to create fear and panic such that the ESM is ratified very quickly, and then be the first nations fed to the new ESM that devours national sovereignty.

This pressure to sort out Europe could also be an indicator as to who Bilderberg want for President. There have been fears expressed from the USA that Europe needs to get its house in order very quickly because any collapse in Europe would significantly affect the USA, and this is an election year in the USA. If this deal with Spain, and possibly Ireland, stops the Euro from collapsing, for now at least, then this could indicate that Obama is the chosen one.

So why was Romney at Bilderberg, as reported? Perhaps to be given the bad news that Obama is the chosen one, but also to request or demand that he trick Rand Paul into betrayal AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, to deflate the anti-Bilderberg movement, which if the scenes at the protest this year are representative, is dominated by Ron Paul supporters.

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