Monday, May 25, 2015


Did Oh! What a Lovely War expose the reason (note that I don't say origin) for world war one?

The first 15 to 20 minutes does give some truth about how the war occured: at several points Kaiser Wilhelm II (played by Kenneth Moore) orders that his troops pull back from advancing after noticing that Great Britain, represented by Sir Edward Grey, had not made its position clear. Indeed, in the film Grey says that there was no need for Great Britain to become involved, and that his advice was that they should all stay calm. The film does not focus on Great Britain declaring war, but does focus on Count Berchtold extracting a declaration of war from the Emperor of Austro-Hungary, thus laying the blame on Berchtold.

But behind all this lies the dirty machinations of Freemasonry:
1. Freemasonry sentenced Arch Duke Ferdinand to death in 1912;
2. Freemasonry was looking for willing assassins to execute this death sentence;
3. Freemasonry found their willing assassins in the group containing Princip and gave that group the encouragement and material for the assassination;
4. at their trial many of that group were found to be Freemasons.

And before this the British Government had created The Balkan Committee to manipulate tensions in the Balkans.

But where does the British monarchy come into all this?>

It was King Edward VII, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, who engineered the Triple Entente to bring Great Britain out of 'splendid isolation' and encircle Germany in a devastating war, should the conditions arise. But it was Edward's son George V who is the real villain of the plot. It was King George V, Queen Elizabeth's grandfather, who tricked Europe into mobilising for war by telling Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would not become involved in any war. But at the same time he was ordering Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into any war!!

Grey showed no concern about Belgium before Germany invaded. But at the behest of King George V, when Germany invaded Belgium Grey declared war citing the 1839 Treaty of London which Great Britain did not need to enforce unilaterally.

Sneaky, eh?

As a result our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were slaughtered in the trenches and drowned in the Atlantic Ocean while George and his family and friends ate the finest food and drank the finest wine in their many palaces after shooting dead a few pheasants and grouse.

But George is also implicated in the sinking of The Lusitania, which dragged the USA into the war.

So why did the British Monarchy and Freemasonry engineer all this slaughter?

Kaiser Wilhelm I writes in his memoirs that a distinguished Freemason told him that Freemasonry had engineered the war to reshape Europe.

But there is another reason: Germany, Russia and the USA were cooperating to implement the American System of Economics, and were jointly developing land-based trade routes through the railways that were beyond the control of the powerful British Navy. As a result of this collaboration, at the outbreak of the war the dominant economies of the world were Germany and the USA, and Russia was not far behind. The brutish British Empire, reliant on slavery and colonies, had been overtaken through modernisation and a fairer economic system. So what did the British monarchy do? They threw a wobbler and kicked over the chessboard, sending us all to fight each other.

Now, the official 'history' of WW1 from Stop the War ignores all this and regurgitates the standard Marxist it-was-going-to-happen-anyway thesis. I would encourage you to read that Stop the War history. It recognises this economic argument but cannot see, or refuses to see all the evidence above, that the British monarchy through Freemasonry (or is it t'other way round?) engineered WW1. And in this Stop the War are gatekeepers protecting the real culprits of WW1 and WW2.

So what happened after WW1?

The first attempt at world government through The League of Nations, which was first proposed by Grey in 1915 as a development of the idea of a British World Federation from Cecil Rhodes, developed by Lord Cecil, and eventually made a reality by insider Eric Drummond. Grey was made Ambassador to the USA to convince American politicians to join the British-controlled world government, but failed.

The League of Nations thus failed so the British engineered WW2. But they couldn't fight their creation Nazi Germany alone. They needed the USA...AGAIN! So like during WW1, when I believe King George V ordered Churchill to allow The Lusitania to be sunk, Churchill allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbour, which is why his intelligence briefings on that attack have been sealed for 75 years while every other WW2 file has been declassified.

So, after reading all this, are you downhearted?

Are we downhearted? No!
So let your voices ring
And altogether sing.
Are we downhearted ? No!
Not while Britannia rules the waves. Not likely!
While we have Jack upon the sea,
And Tommy on the land we need not fret.
It's a long, long way to Tipperary
But we're not downhearted yet.

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