Monday, May 25, 2015


It took 20 minutes for me to logout of Blogger after posting THOUGHT FOR T'DAY ON CHURCHILL'S INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS ON PEARL HARBOUR. And while I was writing it I experienced a lot of 'interference', e.g. words and letters taking what seems ages to appear after typing them. However, when I was able to eventually shut down my computer no updates had been downloaded, which can slow my computer down a bit when there is a lot of them and they are being downloaded.

1. when I write an open letter to Prince William about having the blood of the engineers of WW1 running through his veins, the following day it takes 25 minutes for a working browser window to appear, and there were no updates downloading;
2. when I write about Churchill's intelligence briefings on Pearl Harbour being sealed for 75 years I experience interference when writing and it takes 20 minutes to log out of Blogger, and there were no updates downloading.

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