Saturday, May 30, 2015


The Daily Mirror has covered the story of nurse Edith Cavell who was executed by Germany for assisting Allied soldiers get back to England. The Mirror runs with the claim that the British government allowed her execution for propaganda purposes. I can believe that. After all, it was the British monarchy and government who engineered the war in the first place!!

Nurse Edith Cavell was shot by a German firing squad 100 years ago after helping almost 200 allied soldiers escape the killing fields of the Western Front through her Red Cross hospital in occupied Belgium.

When she was arrested the British government did nothing to stop the execution – but mercilessly used her shocking death to stir up propaganda.

"The authorities had said, ‘Well, there’s not much we can do old chaps, sorry’ and let her rot," says Emma. "They said she’d got herself into that mess, they couldn’t do anything and turned their backs on her.

"When you investigate her story more closely it’s more and more uncomfortable."

[source : Emma Cavell: How the British Government betrayed heroic nurse who was executed by Germans for treason, The Daily Mirror,, 29th May 2015]

Yes. It does get more and more uncomfortable.

For it is reported that shortly before her arrest Cavell had written in The Nursing Mirror that British supplies bound for the relief of Belgium were actually being diverted to Germany!!

The allegation is that the Warburgs and British Intelligence, although allegedly on opposing sides fighting each other, were interconnected at the top of the power structure and were supplying Germany to keep them in the war. The point of the war was to lead to so much death and destruction that a world government (run by the British, of course) would be accepted and all nations would be subservient to that world, i.e. British, government. Max Warburg was chief of German Intelligence and either found out about this letter from his spies in London (but what would a German spy be doing reading The Nursing Mirror?), or he was told someone from the British who wanted him to know. The second allegation is that Warburg was ordered to arrest Cavell not because she had assisted Allied soldiers to escape but because she was exposing the farce of the war.

Whether Germany could have continued to fight in the war without those Belgian supplies is up for debate, but the fact remains: having engineered the war in the first place the British government allowed nurse Edith Cavell to be executed, and her execution was cynically exploited for propaganda purposes.

This idea that people were executed to keep the war going can be backed up by the death of Rasputin. The tale we are told is that Rasputin was murdered by a group of men jealous of his womanising including rumours of affairs with female Romanovs. The truth is that Rasputin was anti-war and had a strong influence over Czar Nicholas. So to remove this strong anti-war influence, which could have dragged Russia out of the war before an Anglo-American establishment could run a coup against the Romanovs using the war as a source of hatred towards the Romanovs, British agents Oswald Rayner and John Scales assassinated Rasputin. A previous attempt on Rasputin's life had been made in July 1914 when Europe was mobilising for war. Coincidence?

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