Monday, May 25, 2015


We did it in 2013. We can do it again.

I notice that even Stop The War hasn't yet reported on the US DIA proposal to create Islamic State. Here is the author of Stop The War's official 'history' of WW1 on Islamic State, and it was only written today.

And it has taken nearly a week for others in the so-called 'alternative' media to 'break' this devastating news.

The pieces are being moved into place:
1. as reported yesterday, Turkey and her friends have decided their 4-year long war proxy war using international cutthroat Jihadis against Assad is not working and they are giving the Syrian rebels all they need, except anti-aircraft missiles, in order to take out Assad asap;
2. increasing calls for British and American boots on the ground to take out Islamic State (while the fact that the USA, and probably the UK too, facilitated the rise of Islamic State is kept hidden from a drugged-up, nymphomaniac, knackered public who care more about legalising sodomy than the true causes of wars).
3. troops trained by USA/Saudi Arabia to be soon unleashed in Syria to fight against Assad;
4. a no fly zone is going to be enforced by Turkey and the USA to protect the non-Islamic State rebels fighting Assad.

Things to do to stop this:
1. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
2. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
3. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
4. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
5. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
6. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
7. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
8. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
9. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity;
10. draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity.

And just in case we forget to do that, we could always draw up a case for prosecution of David Cameron and Phil Hammond for crimes against humanity.

It is all coming together for August.

Those guns of August. We can keep them quiet.

We did it in 2013.

We can do it in 2015.

I demand that every single nation on planet earth get behind President Assad and place troops and military hardware under his command to destroy Islamic State asap. Assad and the Syrian military have been fighting the international cutthroat Jihadis for 4 years. They know how the rebels operate (well, actually the intelligence services of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the USA, UK and France know that too because they've been working with the rebels but won't admit it).

And then when Islamic State has been destroyed, stop the backing of the other rebels, and pay for the reconstruction of Syria.

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