Friday, May 08, 2015


So the muggins British taxpayer loves austerity. We know that now. Head over heels in love with austerity, we are.

But there is a much easier and quicker way.

And that is to:
1. impose a financial trading tax on The City of London;
2. bring the power to create money under public control.

The benefit wouldn't be seen tomorrow, or the next day or the day after that.

But it would quickly alleviate the suffering of those who, through no fault of their own, have been paying for the excesses of The City of London, and would give us the power to create money for infrastructure and housing that the Tories will not provide.

The mad thing is we still borrow from the banks and institutions who caused this austerity in the first place when we could grab this power to create money from their undeserving hands and use it for our benefit not theirs.

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