Wednesday, November 09, 2016



I wrote this months ago. I was suspicious of the weakness with which the mainstream media were attacking the alleged 'outsider' Trump, as well as with the approach that Infowhores were taking in attacking Sanders instead of Clinton.

And what has happened since I wrote this?

Just as Clinton was within days of victory, the FBI embroiled Clinton in another pointless email scandal, while Infowhores claimed that the whole Democrat hierarchy were satanist paedophiles. The polls then swung behind Trump.

And yes, that is the same FBI that covered up the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, ran Cointelpro against civil rights and African-Americans, covered up 9/11 and currently runs the FBI Terror Factory to generate fear and Islamophobia.

And yes, that is the same Infowhores that is run by man who attends "bad blood drinking rituals of the dark side", whose family is descended from Confederate generals, half of whom are CIA, and claims that the US Civil War was about a tariff and not about the Confederacy retaining negro slavery.

And remember what ultra-Zionist Trump said is his number one priority: to rip up that P5+1 deal with Iran.

When Trump entered the campaign last year, many, even Infowhores, claimed that Trump had entered to get Clinton in. Trump and the Clintons have been good friends for decades. Indeed, their children are still friends (apparently).

But what if it is t'other way around?

What if Hillary was required to get Trump in?

Think about it: who faces more danger of being exposed and prosecuted, or embroiled in damaging scandal?

Trump? His mob connections are ignored by the media who weakly attack him through his racism, mysoginy, etc.

But what about Clinton?

In the last few weeks she has been found to be wanting in the email/server scandal. And now this book by this secret service guy?

What timing!!

What would happen if Clinton was prosecuted in the next 5 months before the election?

Five months is a long time in politics.

They did 9/11 to get Iran. Obama got the P5+1 deal with Iran, but they still howl and bay at the moon, like a pack of Zionist wolves eager for blood.

Clinton and Bush do not stand a chance of starting a war on Iran.

But Trump does.

The people do not trust Bush and Clinton, and the people are sick of war.

But the people seem to trust Trump, and most people in the USA support Israel (but that support is fading).

Trump loves Israel and hates Iran. He hates the P5+1 deal. He wants to beef up the US military and put it at the disposal of Israel to threaten Iran. He said all that at AIPAC.

And Trump is rising in the polls, as Infowhores continue their epic failure in investigative journalism by ignoring Trump's mob/CIA/FBI connections.

This is just a suggestion, an observation.

Just thinking out of the box...

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