I've asked David Icke many times for my money back. Pretty please. With sugar on top.
He hasn't repaid a penny.
Remember: this is the guy who says: love is the only truth : everything else is illusion.
So there's me, right, giving him hundreds of pounds so he can keep his IP, but then:
1. I later find out he was perving me using a secret mob/MI5/CIA surveillance network of me, that I didn't know about, after I'd been zapped for nearly 7 years:
2. his son Garth, who benefitted from me financing daddy Dave's IP court case, then takes the piss out of me when my sister's house is burgled of 2 external drives containing scientific code and simulations of the sun.
Daddy Dave has not repaid me a penny.
Daddy Dave has not forced his unworthy son Garth to aplogise to me.
It's all now just one big money-making cult which his unworthy, talentless sons are exploting to the max.
So there is only one conclusion: David Icke does indeed not give a fucking shit.
Thanks for reminding me, Garth, and all of us, of what it's all about really: making money.
Alex Jones did it. Your mate Paul Jospeh Watson did it. And now your dad. And you.
They all sold out. To make money.
And if I find out the Ickes have copies of my stolen codes and ideas then you, dear David and Garth, are going to rot in prison!
No matter how many silly, ugly faces Garth pulls, coz you're daddy Dave's son: you will be fcukt!
And I look forward to that day very much.