Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Alex Jones of Infowars luuurvs the Confederacy. His ancestors founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas of 1836, and fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery. They then went on to found the Texas branch of the Ku Klux klan. Alex claims the U S Civil War was all about a tariff, while all ordinances of secession of the Confederate States explicitly state that the defence of negro slavery was the prime cause of their secession and thus the war.

Bu this doesn't stop freak and crime boss David Icke being Alex's best mate!

I watched a vid on Youtube last night in which some southern dude claimed that the Confederacy wasn't that bothered about slavery, and the tariff was what it was all about. He referenced the Confederate constitution.

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Section 9 (4) states:

No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed. 
Lincoln went to war to save the Union. It was not until he issued the Declaration of Emancipation that he finally made the war about slavery. Texas was founded by slavers who rebelled against Mexico which had banned slavery. And it was the Godfather of the Confederacy, Andrew Jackson, who argued that slave state Texas be brought into the Union, because Jackson himself was a slave-holder who owned 300 slaves. Jackson drove the native American tribes off their ancestral lands in Confederate states so those lands could be sold to planters who would use negro slaves. This was in preparation for the U S Civil War. Jackson was very connected to treasonous British networks. The British then sent in Giuseppe Mazzini and his Young America to argue AGAINST slavery. The subsequent war divided and still divides the USA.

Alex Jones luuurvs Jackson.

So when Alex lies the U S Civil War was about a tariff, what else is he lying about? And for money?

Texas. Jackson. Jones. A trio from hell!

Alex is a showman, a performance actor. We saw this today.

Alex is also a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset.

I really do need to produce a free pamphlet about Alex and his family, Texas, the Confederacy, Jackson and U S intels, and all the other disgusting stuff like Roy Cohn and his CIA paedo networks which Alex defends.

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