Our freedom to think.
Our freedom to say what we think.
Our freedom to do something about what we think.
All that, our freedom, is their problem.
So how do they solve a problem called freedom?
When I was growing up the IRA were causing all sorts of terror in the UK. As a result laws were introduced to deal with this threat of terror. These laws led to persecution of people of Irish descent, and led to the imprisonment of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six, released years later after conviction when it was believed that the convictions were unsafe.
This Irish terrorist activity on mainland Britain was due to the centuries old conflict of Britain invading Ireland by Oliver Cromwell, held up by many as the father of Parliament when he in fact was a traitor, colluding with a faction based in Amsterdam, killing the king.
During the 20th Century the Jews took control of Palestine. This was a desire expressed by that same faction who financed Cromwell. Most Jews believed, quite correctly as has been shown by recent events, that Jews returning en masse to Palestine would cause great anger in the Islamic world. The Ottomans recognised this and rebuffed any overture made to them by the Jews.
But WW1 changed all that.
At Versailles Palestine was handed to Britain, largely associated with the Rothschilds and their mates such as Schiff and Warburg, also based in the USA and Germany. There then followed some encouragement of mass immigration of Jews into Palestine. As a result the Palestinians rioted. This should have rung some alarm bells; Jews had believed this would occur. But still the immigration was encouraged. The Jews even collaborated with the Nazis to assist Jewish immigration into Palestine. But despite the terrible abusive atmosphere created by the Nazis the vast majority of German Jews did not take up the opportunity to take advantage of the favourable conditions provided between Nazi Germany and Britain, who then controlled Palestine, to escape Nazi persecution to Palestine.
But WW2 changed all that.
The Nazis persecuted others than Jews, but we cannot deny that the Nazis did persecute Jews. We can argue whether 2 million, 3 million or even 6 million Jews were executed. But something terrible did happen to the Jews during WW2.
So after the inevitable defeat of the Nazis the Jews who before WW1 were reluctant to move to Palestine decided that perhaps Palestine was their Jewish homeland, a haven from persecution from an anti-Semitic world.
But they were not told that
1. the Nazis had been financed and controlled by Jews, notably the Warburgs
2. the Jewish leadership had refused transfer to safety from Nazi persecution many German and Polish Jews because their proposed destination was not Palestine
The alleged Holocaust of WW2 had changed the minds of many Jews, and some were driven into overt violence against the Palestinians. Approximately 700,000 Palestinians were driven into ghettos called The West Bank and The Gaza Strip, living in camps with the rats. Maps of the growth of Jewish Palestine since 1945 show just how quickly it grew after WW2.
Israel was formally created in 1948.
Then it was given great financial and military assistance from the USA, the privately-owned The Federal Reserve being owned by such families as Rothschild, Warburg and Schiff.
With this force behind them Israel believed it could do whatever it wanted...and it did, treating Palestinians and Israel's neighbours such as Lebanon and Syria like shit.
As a result organisations such as Hamas, Hizbullah and PLO were created.
What was initially a local conflict quickly became global. Israeli athletes were slaughtered at the Munich Olympics. An Air France flight was hijacked and flown to Uganda.
This global terrorism was something the IRA conflict did not produce...and global terror meant more deaths and more spectacular terror, to get the message across.
About this time a young Wahabbi called Osama bin Laden began working for the CIA in Afghanistan to drive the Russians out of that country. During that conflict a database known as al-Qaeda of all of bin Laden's supporters was created. Over a decade, as you would think, bin Laden created a cohesive and directed organisation.
After the Russians left Afghanistan bin Laden began issuing messages against Israel.
Then on 9/11 he allegedly masterminded the successful flight of four hijacked planes over the most protected air space in the world for over an hour before they flew into the WTC and the Pentagon, of all places!
It was called blowback by 'experts' in the intel community.
It was unexpected, they cried.
But it is now known the FBI assisted a previous attack on the WTC in 1993, and Operation Bojinka discovered in the mid-1990s required the hijacking of tens of planes which were to be flown into high profile targets in the USA.
And 9/11 satisfied the precondition, as expressed so precisely in the PNAC document Rebuilding America's Defenses, for the USA and its allies, the UK and Israel, to go on the rampage in the Middle East and the Caspian to acquire control over the worlds largest known fossil fuel reserves. The same cabal of Zionazis who produced Rebuilding America's Defenses also wrote A Clean Break for then Israeli PM Netanyahu.
But 9/11 also led to massive increases in powers of surveillance, arrest and detention of the citizen by the state.
As set out in Rebuilding America's Defenses and A Clean Break, and despite the severe lack of credible evidence (we went to war on the word of a cabbie!), Iraq was invaded by the coalition of the killing, which led to the London bombings of 7/7, the largest terrorist attack on mainland Britain, far far greater than anything the IRA were ever able to execute.
So you now see that the Irish conflict led to local terror and a local police state, albeit relatively weak.
But Islamic terror, provoked by the barbarity of the Zionist State of Israel and with its HQ in Londonistan and its covenant of security, has led to global terror, a global police state and what has been a 8 year war so far, and still counting.
WW1 lasted just over 4 years.
WW2 lasted just under 6 years.
What I would call WW3, which has so far lasted 8 years, has not finished yet. Its ultimate purpose is to provoke a global war between Russia/China and the USA, which has so far not occured.
There have been provocations; Litvinenko's death, Georgia's slaughter in South Ossetia, etc.
But Iran, named as target in both A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses, is still sovereign...but only just, having survived overtly externally-financed revolutions and allegations of WMD development and an encroachment into sovereign Iranian waters by the British Navy leading to the arrest of a number of British Military personnel in 2007.
So that is how our freedom is being eroded.
And we are paying for it all!
That's the 'beauty' of the plan.
They want to enslave us in a prison planet but they
1. don't want to pay for it
2. don't want to do any work themselves
So they trick us all into doing their nasty work for them and get us to pay them for the privilege.
It's very clever...but evil.
There is only one force that could conceive of this, and it controls the White House.
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