Thursday, May 07, 2015


One of the political parties with candidates today is the United Kingdom Independence Party. They are known as UKIP, or U-KIP, or You-Kip, or You-Sleep.

Most of the voting population is still asleep as they sleepwalk to the voting booth and vote for Labour, LibDem or Conservative in England. In Scotland they will vote for SNP, in Wales for Plaid Cymru and in Northern Ireland for the DUP and Sinn Fein.

In other words, very little change.

We have just suffered 5 terrible years of a ConDem coalition that:
1. bombed the shit out of Libya and has supported unleashing cutthroat Jihadis in Syria and is using the threat of those Jihadis as a reason to spy on us;
2. supported the slaughter of 520 children in Gaza, leading to more joining Jihadi organisations;
3. imposed zero-hours contracts, massive welfare cuts and the Bedroom Tax to bail out fascist bankers.

Sadly, I think we will get the same again: 5 more diabolical years of a ConDem coalition.


Murdoch's press has scared the shit out of just enough voters over a possible Labour-SNP coalition that would threaten the unity of the United Kingdom.

But even if Labour did get a majority, what would we get? Well, his speech at Chatham House last week was terrifying: more war; more world government. Yes, zero-hours contracts could be made illegal but it is not guaranteed. But 'experts' say that whoever forms a government would have to impose satanic cuts in welfare in order to help us, the muggins British taxpayer, bail out the fascist bankers.

The main fact that has led to all the austerity that the politicians are falling over themselves in order to impose it on us in order to save the banks is that the banks have the power to create money. Earlier this year there was a 'debate' about the power to create money. It was the first debate on the subject for 170 years, lasted less than an hour and only about 20 MPs attended, one of whom was Zac Goldsmith, a Rothschild by marriage.

The only party looking to take this power to create money back into public hands is The Green Party.

But who did the revolutionary Russell Brand endorse? Ed 'I am a Zionist' Miliband who wants more war and more world government.

So in a way, what ever party anyone votes for they are voting for You-Sleep.

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