Thursday, May 07, 2015


Pam Geller was the driving force behind the 'contest' that led to 2 Islamic terrorists being shot at an exhibition centre in Garland, Texas as they were about to attack attendees to the contest. The 'contest' was who could draw the 'best' cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. Similar previous events have provoked Islamic violence: in 2005 Jyllands-Posten published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which led to massive riots in Denmark; Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which led to an attack on their office and a kidnapping in a supermarket in Paris and 2 police officers dead (and a subsequent Unity March in Paris that was awkwardly hijacked by Benjamin Netanyahu who was not invited to the march in the first place!!).

The significant thing about the Jyllands-Posten debacle is that the PM of Denmark at the time was Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who would become Secretary General of NATO.

Pam Geller writes for World Net Daily (WND).

WND's deal of the day is Geller's Stop the Islamization of America.

WND is a rabidly pro-Israel news/information website which encourages readers to visit the wonderful and free (but only if you are Jewish) land of Israel (murderers of over 520 children in Gaza last year who were murdered by an out-of-control IDF who had orders to kill anything that moved).

Geller does not write about the Covenant of Security that MI5 had/have with the Islamic extremists.

Nor does she write about A Clean Break.


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