Wednesday, June 03, 2015


The so-called Freedom Act was passed yesterday. It is being trumpeted as a victory for freedom.


All it does is force telecoms companies to store the metadata instead of the the likes of the NSA collecting and storing it all. And if the NSA want the data they have to ask the telecoms companies to hand it over after a court gives the NSA the permission to request that data. But as the courts always grant the NSA the power to request that data, not much has changed. In fact, Americans could feel less spied on when in reality they are still spied on, perhaps even more.

And here in the UK the T4 Tories have resurrected The Snoopers Charter on steroids because Islamic State is gonna get us. But we aren't told that our allies (and I suspect the UK too) unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, then allowed preachers such as Michael Adabelajo to feed the Jihadi machine with fresh recruits to oust Assad, and then facilitated the rise of Islamic State because those Jihadis were not evil enough and had not ousted Assad.

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