Sunday, June 07, 2015


Last year, as it kicked off in the Maidan, The Guardian portrayed the ousting of Victor Yanukovich as a Byron-esque romantic revolution by downtrodden peasants against their corrupt tyrannical masters. The plain and simple fact is that that 'revolution' was organised and executed by neo-Nazis who killed both protestors and police in order to provoke violent riots and chase out the legitimately elected government who had decided to sign a deal with Russia instead of with the EU/IMF. That whitewash continued when 50 people were burned alive in Odessa by supporters of the junta. That whitewash has continued with the willful ignorance of the neo-Nazism of the junta as they have shelled and bombed to death nearly 7000 civilians of east Ukraine opposing that Nazism.

And that brilliant Guardian whitewash continues to this very day.

Yesterday there was a small gay pride march in Kiev. Neo-Nazi organisations involved in last year's coup in Ukraine had threatened the march. There were reportedly more police men than marchers.

But the neo-Nazis kept to their word and attacked the gay march.

The Guardian describes the neo-Nazis as "unknown assailants":
Dozens of unknown assailants have attacked a gay rights march in Kiev, injuring several marchers and police officers.

The attackers hurled teargas and smoke bombs at the 300 marchers as they walked along along the Dnipro river bank in the Ukrainian capital on Saturday morning.

The Interfax news agency reported that five police officers were injured, while other local media reported four marchers were hurt.

[source : Violent clashes at Ukrainian gay rights march, The Guardian,, 6th June 2015]

But check this out: THEY WERE NATO'S NAZIS!!!
More than 20 extremists were arrested on suspicion of violence. Others escaped, including one man who shouted “they should die!” in reference to homosexuals.

Many attackers identified themselves as part of the militant Pravy (Right) Sector. Its leader, member of parliament Dmytro Yarosh, also fields a semi-autonomous battalion in the Ukrainian army. Yarosh, in a long Facebook post on June 5, condemned equal rights for gays and pledged to stop the gathering.

...“One of policemen was almost killed,” Zalishchuk said. “He was wounded very severely in the neck.”

[source : Anti-gay extremists violently break up gay pride march in Kyiv; several injured, many arrests, Kiev Post,, 6th June 2015]

So, what do you think: "unknown assailants" or neo-Nazis? And if neo-Nazis then why is The Guardian not saying so?

The Guardian is protecting NATO Nazis who ran the coup last year, some of whom occupied powerful positions in the junta.

If this had happened in Moscow you can bet that the Nazis would be front page news, much like Ed Snowden's revelations: they'd want you to know about it.

Oh dear. Not a good start for the new editor...

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