Sunday, July 12, 2015


Danielle Ryan at Russia Insider has covered the unbelievable tweet from Ezra Kaplan, 'writer' for Vice News, in which Kaplan suggests that now would be a good time to nuke Russia, a suggestion that some at The Atlantic Council and their whores would no doubt also support.

Ryan goes into the incredible double standards shown by the NATO media. What if a journalist for RT had suggested that now would be a good time to nuke the USA?

But the likes of Eliot Higgins etc would be saying that RT is too busy pushing Russian propaganda for a journo to make such a suggestion.

So what is this suggestion from Vice News journo Ezra Kaplan? What does this say about the editorial policy at Vice News?

Well, as I have pointed out:
1. Simon Ostrovsky 'interviewed' the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and released a 10 minute video of that interview. By the time of the interview Pyatt's infamous discussion with Victoria Kagan-Nuland, in which Pyatt and Nuland discuss which American puppet to install after the violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup had ousted a legitimately elected government, had occured ( and published on Youtube!!). But did Ostrovsky ask a single question about this discussion? Nope. Ostrovsky virtually lay on his back and let Pyatt tickle his tummy and spout the pro-neo-Nazi bullshit;
2. Vice News sent a spotty geek to 'interview' British Foreign Secretary Phil Hammond about Syria. The geek did an impression of Ostrovsky, virtually lay on his back and let Hammond tickle his tummy, not asking a single question of any substance, allowing Hammond to spout his warmongering spew.

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