Thursday, September 04, 2014


Hurry up, Phil!

Pull your finger out!

Are we going to have a public inquiry into:
1. the allegations of General Wesley Clark that there would be war and regime change in seven nations in five years, those seven nations being Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia;
2. but by 2007 this plan was moribund so the plan named The Redirection as revealed to Seymour Hersh in early 2007 for Saudi Arabia to unleash cutthroat Jihadis on Syria, Lebanon and Iran was agreed;
3. the allegations of Roland Dumas that Great Britain began planning the smuggling of Jihadis into Syria in 2009:
4. MI5 and MI6 allowing extremist Islamic preachers like Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad on the streets and in the mosques of Great Britain to provide brainwashed British Jihadi recruits for the war on Syria, and that some of these British Jihadis are now fighting for the Islamic State;
5. what you, Jihadi Hague, Der Fuhrer Dodgy David Cameron, MI5 and MI6 know about this and when did you know it.

Yes or no?

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