Friday, September 05, 2014


Last night I was zapped. I half expected it after what I posted yesterday. I was sucked out of my sleep at about 2300. But my statcounter is showing that either side of this time someone, and I assume the same person, visited SATELLITE TERRORISM, and as a direct link, i.e. probably a bookmark.

The information I have is that this visitor:
1. used a Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 LTE with Android and resolution 1280x800;
2. had IP address at 22:55:48 and at 23:07:42 (both times BST);
3. was connected by Sky Broadband.

This could be absolutely nothing, but it could also be a bit more than a coincidence.

But why would someone do that? I am now posting that I was zapped last night. And any readers who don't believe that zapping occurs will now think twice about what I have written.

But that is a risk I have to take, and a risk that they have taken.

So if anyone knows how to track this visitor down given this information then can you either tell me how to do it or do it yourself, because they may be part of a dark ops program against not just me but other citizens of the UK.

I think that to be zapped and for the same visitor to visit SATELLITE TERRORISM via a direct link just minutes either side of being zapped is just a bit more than a coincidence, particularly when that page has not been visited for quite a while.

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