Sunday, September 28, 2014


See Qatar-Turkey pipeline

Then read Obama’s “Secret Backdoor Deal With Saudi Arabia” which Preceeded the US Airstrikes against Syria.

9/11 was done for all this. Israel ran it while Saudi Arabia supplied the patsies. Events since have not been purely religious. Natural resources are involved. Israel is reducing The Gaza Strip into an uninhabitable pile of rubble because of natural resources in the East Mediterranean Sea. Why else would Tony Blair be involved?

But Zionists wrote A Clean Break in 1996 demanding war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Since 9/11 there has been war on Iraq and Lebanon, and The Redirection agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, but for whatever reason they were first unleashed onto Libya.

And the war on Libya indicates that the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 is being implemented: war and regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, but also Libya, Sudan and Somalia. Here is Clark stating that plan:

But brave Syria has resisted and resisted and resisted. Syria chased the cutthroat Jihadis out of Syria and into Iraq, but the Iraqi Army was told to stand down and allow the cutthroat Jihadis escaping from Syria to take control of their portion of Iraq. Hence we now have this entity Islamic State which is nothing more than a ragtag bunch of cutthroat bandits hiding behind Islam. But their threat is being inflated by a willing NATO media in order to create a war mentality here to eventually oust Assad. Our MPs have just been terrified by visions of a British aid worker having his head sawn off (when any ransom to save his life would cost far, far less than any subsequent war in his name).

The Members of The Marsten House voted for an open-ended, apparently aimless war on Friday.

But now that the bombing in Syria has started, anything can happen.

They said World War One would be over by Christmas...

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