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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Zippin' up my boots
goin' back to my roots
To the place of my birth
back down to earth.
I've been standing in the rain
Drenched and soaked with pain
Tired of short time benefits
And being exposed to the elements.
I'm homeward bound
got my head turned around.
Zippin' up my boots
goin' back to my roots
To the place of my birth
back down to earth.
Ain't talkin' 'bout no roots in the land
Talkin' 'bout the roots in the man.
I feel my spirit gettin' old
it's time to recharge my soul.
I'm zippin' up my boots
goin' back to my roots
To the place of my birth
back down to earth.
I'm homeward bound
got my head turned around.
Zippin' up my boots
goin' back to my roots.
To the place of my birth
back down to earth.
I Am
I Am
I May Be Poor
But I Am
I May Be Young
But I Am
I May Be On Welfare
But I Am
I May Be Small
But I Am
I May Make A Mistake
But I Am
My Clothes Are Different
My Face Is Different
My Hair Is Different
But I Am
I Am Black
I Speak A Different Language
But I Must Be Respected
Never Rejected
I Am
God's Child
I Am
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Glenn Jones - I Am Somebody
voted against a UN resolution to stop propagation of Nazism (joined only by Ukraine and Canada)
voted against Palestinian statehood (joined only by Australia).
NB Canada and Australia are members of the Commonwealth, and Ukraine has just suffered a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup to drag Ukraine into the NATO/EU/IMF sphere of influence.
At first this voting record of the USA is an apparent contradiction, because you would think that if the USA voted against a global campaign to stop Nazism this would suggest that the USA was Nazi/fascist, so how can it support the Jews against Palestine?
The ugly truth is that Zionist Wall Street Jews were behind the Nazis!!
The Warburgs were guiding the Nazis, through directorships of IG Farben, through their own bank MM Warburg, through directorships of the Reichsbank, through blocking international boycotts of the Nazis, and collaborating with the Nazis to get Jews out of Germany and into Palestine through the Haavara.
The Warburgs, Rothschilds and Schiffs were all very chummy, allegedly on opposite sides of conflicts such as WW1 but actually cooperating through The Federal Reserve. But each were ultimately merely Hofjuden.
This is why Israel is such a racist, aggressive apartheid state.
My puppy, who during the summer was demonically possessed by the evil spirit of Benjamin Netanyahu and just wanted to destroy everything, but has been exorcised by time and is now the sweetest, kindest little dog, but who loves to hunt grouse, pheasants and squirrels...ALL DAY!! I don't go shooting but needs to get out for really good walks, coming from hard working stock. It's in the genes.
[Rant : Which makes me think about Liz and her grandad and great grandad, the warmongers who engineered World War One, and what we see in this world today: international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria slitting the throats of Syrian children and sawing the heads off Syrian military officers trying to protect them; Nazis being used in Ukraine to bring Ukraine into the NATO/EU/IMF sphere of influence; Israel killing over 500 defenceless children in Gaza with barely a whisper of condemnation from our politicians.]
So well done my puppy.
My New Year resolution is getting way more people to do open source investigation and verification.
— Eliot Higgins (@EliotHiggins) December 31, 2014
Maybe he should verify how a BUK originally in Shizhne got through a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis to be in a western suburb of Luhansk at a time when the Ukraine Security Service say all BUKs were back in Russia. And yes, that's the same Ukraine Security Service who released a tape of intercepted communications which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks at Chernukhino shot down MH17, which is a claim that completely contradicts Belling Cat's hypothesis that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne.
So here is another New Year resolution, not just for Higgins but for the whole Belling Cat team: answer my questions put forth in MY CHALLENGE TO THE BELLING CAT TEAM
18 months ago Ukraine was at peace with itself. But Putin stopped a planned war on Syria, after Bandar's false flag at Ghouta was rumbled, by persuading Syria to relinquish its ageing chemical weapons (much to the joy of The Guardian who failed to mention Israel's much more powerful arsenal of bio, chemical and even nuclear weapons). A few months later and Putin had persuaded Ukraine to sign a deal with Russia not the EU/IMF. With the USA having spent over $5 billion in Ukraine to bring it into the NATO/EU/IMF sphere of influence, as admitted by Victoria Kagan-Nuland, the NATO/EU/IMF cabal were not going to let Putin get one over them again. So they unleashed the Nazis. This guy Yatseniuk became the leader. Who was he? A Wall Street gimp, like Navalny. Yatseniuk is sponsored by NATO, NED, US Embassy in Kiev, Chatham House and George Soros' The Renaissance Foundation. So as I said: a total Wall Street gimp. So it was no wonder that Victoria Kagan-Nuland hand-picked 'Yats' as the new Prime Minister. Seeing the Wall Street/Nazi heritage of the Maidan protestors, the East of Ukraine rebelled. Now Ukraine has signed a deal with the IMF and has repealed a law stopping it from joining NATO. But even the IMF money is not enough, and Ukraine needs an extra $15 billion on top of the $17 billion from the IMF! To pay for this the Rada has passed eye-watering austerity measures and will soon be selling off valuable state assets at bargain basement prices. On whose recommendation is this being done? Natalie Jaresko. But do not be fooled by her name. She is of Ukrainian descent but is actually American. Well, she was American. She became a Ukraine citizen just hours before her appointment. Before becoming Ukraine Finance Minister Jaresko was a top official at the US Embassy in Kiev (who sponsored Yats), and thus a good candidate for a CIA agent.
You could not make this stuff up. It is so transparent. Such a blatant coup d'etat sponsored by NATO...and a violent one at that. The neo-Nazis burned people alive in Odessa, shooting at those preparing to jump from 3 floor windows to escape the flames and beating to death or humiliating those who survived the jump.
And then on 17th August MH17 fell out of the sky.
Now, I ask, would MH17 have been shot down if NATO had not unleashed the Nazis to drag Ukraine into their sphere of influence? Would East Ukraine have rebelled against those Nazis thus creating a civil war situation?
My answer would be no.
This is why the investigation into MH17 is so corrupt. It has such a narrow focus, blinkered you might call it. Laws recognise the circumstances under which crimes are committed. The corrupt and "completely botched" investigation in to MH17 is there to serve one purpose and one purpose only: to pin the blame for MH17 on the separatists. That is why the Dutch PM refused to relinquish control of the investigation to a much more neutral and international investigation team.
I find it highly significant and suspicious that:
1. of all the planes to have flown over Ukraine MH17 was shot down just after the BRICS opened their alternative to the IMF;
2. MH17 originated from the Netherlands and was carrying passengers who were mostly Dutch, leading to the Netherlands taking control of the investigation;
3. The Netherlands was one of the five founding members of NATO;
4. NATO has wanted Ukraine under its control for decades, to plonk first strike missiles aimed at Moscow and to control a major source of income and influence for Russia, Russia's supply of energy to Europe;
5. the investigation into MH17 is also being run by a possible suspect, Ukraine, whose Security Service cannot be trusted;
6. the investigation and NATO media and their gimps refuses to look at the possibility of Ukraine BUKs being used to shoot down MH17, or the possibility that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it was shot down.
It all stinks of a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup, and a cover up of MH17.
But without NATO unleashing their Nazis under their man Yats, the East of Ukraine would not have rebelled, there would be no civil war in Ukraine and MH17 would not have been shot down, by separatists with a BUK, or by Ukraine with a BUK and/or fighter jet.
So ultimately the blame for MH17 lies with the NATO/EU/IMF cabal who unleashed the Nazis in their anger that Ukraine had decided to sign a deal with Russia and not with them.
In an editorial The Guardian appears to express concern for the number of wars that are ongoing, but fails to mention that some are of their own making and/or encouragement.
Take Libya. The Guardian was at the front of the pack demanding war on Libya, demanding that NATO become the Jihadi Air Force to oust Colonel Gaddafi. But what does The Guardian say about Libya today?
To the south, further challenges for Europe can be anticipated on the Arab rim of the Mediterranean. Libya will be the place to watch. Four years after the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi, it is in the middle of a raging civil war. Libya is fractured, with two competing groups claiming to be the legitimate rulers: one has taken control of Tripoli, the capital; the other is based in the eastern city of Tobruk.
Libya matters to Europe not least because it is a major transit country for migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean at the risk of their lives. It also matters because of the jihadi threat as this failing state falls into further chaos. Worried about the fallout, including for the whole region of the Sahel, some African leaders are, along with France, calling for a new international intervention in Libya.
[source : Editorial, The Guardian view on 2015: there are many global uncertainties, but the crises will be interconnected, The Guardian, http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/dec/30/guardian-view-2015-crises-global-uncertainties-interconnected, 31st December 2014]
As for other ongoing crises, here is a casual mention of Syria:
...Syria’s devastating civil war,
Behind this casual reference lies some very dark manipulation which The Guardian editorial team should know about because some readers know the score and have commented about it. The truth about Syria is this: THERE IS NO CIVIL WAR!! Syria has been invaded by international cutthroat Jihadis financed by the slave economy Qatar and headchopping Saudi Arabia. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told the plan of war and regime change on seven nations in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. But by 2007 this plan was moribund so the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon, but for whatever reason they were first unleashed onto Libya, and had the full support, moral, political, military, logistical and financial, from NAYO and their allies. The aim of the war in Syria is to get a pipeline built from the Pars gas field from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and onto Europe to reduce Europe's dependence on Russia for energy, but Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Iran, through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and onto Europe but not threatening Russia's customer base. That is the war in Syria right there. Can't you see the sides that have been taken? It is nothing to do with freedom, democracy and human rights. How can it be with Saudi Arabia financing it?!
And as for Ukraine, The Guardian have been portraying the neo-Nazis who ran the violent cop in Ukraine as saints, even as they burned people alive in Odessa. Ukraine is referenced thus:
But Europe won’t only be faced with internal political or financial woes. Its security continues to be at stake, with outside forces bringing more potential destabilisation. In the east, there is no knowing how far Vladimir Putin will want to push his revisionist challenge to the post-1989 European order. Moldova, as well as southern regions of Ukraine, may well become new targets. As Russia heads for a deep economic recession, there is cause to expect unrest and more external adventures.
Take a good look at this map which shows NATO expansion:

Now you tell me: who is expanding? who is being imperialist? who is being the adventurer?
My answer would be NATO.
NATO by a country mile.
NATO has expanded east like the Nazis on their march for lebensraum. I showed you that Nazism t'other day with those Nazi swastikas painted on the Russian Embassy in Kiev, and the Kiev Nazis marching behind an image of Stepan Bandera who collaborated with the Nazis, prepared the Nazi invasion of Ukraine, and is implicated in the subsequent massacres, Babi Yar being one. The people in the east of Ukraine see this Nazism and have rebelled against it.
The editorial ends thus:
Amid all the suspense, there is one certainty: in an age of great volatility and globalisation, crises will be interconnected, making it harder than ever to stand entirely aside.
On this the editorial is correct. The crises are inter-connected, because there is only one satanic force based in Wall Street and The City of London driving them all, with minor support from Tel Aviv and Riyadh, among other places of treason against the human race.
So The Guardian is today apologising for all the future wars that the warmongering, megalomaniac, kiddie-fiddling satanists are planning for us. Because as the editorial says, the warmongers will be "making it harder than ever to stand entirely aside".
Now more than ever The Stop The War Coalition needs to recognise and make known the truth about World War One, that it was our monarchy through Freemasonry that engineered all that horror in a bid to establish a world government that they would control with the USA acting as their muscle. But the USA voted out of The League of Nations, so our monarchy ordered their Wall Street Jews to finance Hitler and also collaborate with Stalin, to build both of them up ready for a longer, bloodier war which the USA would be dragged in from the start to suffer many more casualties and be persuaded that they should join a world government. Whether FDR engineered Pearl Harbor or not is for discussion, but the USA was dragged into the war from near the beginning and after four years of WW2 instead of the one year in WW1, the USA was persuaded and now houses the world government, The United Nations.
Simply telling people war is bad is boring. Everyone knows that, but the people accept it as some kind of national moral duty. For King/Queen and Country!, they cry. But if the people find out the truth about our monarchy and world war one the wars will stop almost immediately. Because the people will be chasing the monarchy out of all their many luxurious palaces and houses while they've been suffering austerity and sending their sons and daughters off to fight and die in foreign fields for that bunch of reptiles.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Rotchrock tweeted this tonight in his disappointment that the protestors in Manezhnaya Square tonight didn't burn down buildings, burn people alive, kill policemen and chase Putin away:
“If you don’t like Russia, shove off to America,” chants the anti-Navalny demonstrators at Manezh Sq.
— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) December 30, 2014
By tweeting this Rothcrock is trying to hide his and thus RuNet Echo's Wall Street/City of London credentials.
As stated above, RuNet Echo is a pure George Soros operation. Soros got his fortune from running the Pound into the ground in 1992. But he lived to tell the tale, and became a powerful player in Bilderberg. This suggests that he gained his fortune with the consent of the British Royal family/Bilderberg. And he did. His agents met the Royal family in the summer of 1992 to discuss the scam. Before this however Soros was a self-confessed collaborator of the Nazis. But nowhere near as much as the sponsors of the Nazis and financiers of Bilderberg, the Rockefellers. This goes some way to explain why there is so much Nazism about this Ukraine/Russia movement. A few weeks ago Eliot Higgins posted a 'documentary' produced by Storyful which used several videos from Svoboda. However Svoboda are neo-Nazi. There was not one Nazi swastika in the video, and the atrocity of Odessa was not referred to in that video.
As explained earlier today, Navalny is an agent of Wall Street. Financed by the National Endowment for Democracy and a Yale World Fellow, Navalny is as American as mom's apple pie. Navalny is a traitor to Russia. The Russian people know it. That's why they came out in such numbers in Manezhnaya Square tonight. Rothrock and his ilk will no doubt soon be calling anti-Navalny protestors 'terrorists' just for being patriots defending Russia from Wall Street and The City of London.
Surely if the Belling Cat team believe that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne then they must, like the rest of us, believe that the Ukraine Security Service are lying scumbags and massive cruel hoaxsters for producing such an amateurish attempt at blaming Cossacks.
And if the Ukraine Security Service cannot be trusted then should they be involved in the MH17 investigation at all? Should any evidence produced or handled by them be relied on?
As yet there are no answers, despite several visits to TTS from Leicester, where Belling Cat is based.
For the record, I remain unconvinced that the separatists shot down MH17. As shown above the evidence presented so far cannot be relied on. There are two conflicting accusations: Belling Cat say Shizhne while the Ukraine Security Service say Chernukhino. Yet Belling Cat are relying on evidence produced by the Ukraine Security Service for their theory, and have yet to explain how and why the BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 from Shizne came to get through a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis and be filmed in a western suburb of Luhansk at a time when the the Ukraine Security Service say all BUKs were back in Russia!! Belling Cat produced a report using evidence produced by the Ukraine Security Service and use coloured squiggly lines drawn on by the authors themselves. And while Belling Cat are so confident in their belief they seem very reluctant to accuse the Ukraine Security Service of blatant fraud, yet are quick to accuse Russia. Also for the record, one of the authors of that report is Aric Toler, who works for RuNet Echo, which is a pure George Soros operation which explains his sympathy for the Wall Street agent Alexy Navalny. This might also explain why the Belling Cat team are so reluctant to investigate never mind mention the BUKs controlled by the Ukraine military and the eyewitnesses who claim that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it came down.
I say:
1. the investigation into MH17 is corrupt and biased and resembles the fox in charge of the chicken coop;
2. the investigation should be in the hands of a much more neutral and international team (but despite being called "completely botched" by families of Dutch victims, the Dutch government denied their request to relinquish control of the investigation to the UN);
3. I also find it suspicious that of all the planes that have been flying over Ukraine this year a plane is shot down shortly after the BRICS open their bank as an alternative to the bloodsucking IMF, and that the plane that was shot down originated from Holland and whose passengers were overwhelmingly from Holland leading to one of the founders of NATO, the Netherlands, taking control of the investigation when NATO has wanted Ukraine in NATO for decades.
Navalny was financed by the US State Department via The National Endowment for Democracy, whose goal is to finance regime change and install a Wall-Street-friendly government who will implement The Washington Consensus of eye-watering austerity and privatisation of quality state-owned companies at bargain basement prices. The NED is run by CFR member Carl Gershman, a former employee of B'nai B'rith and a former Governor of the American Jewish Committee.
Navalny was Yale World Fellow when he was taught by Lord Malloc-Brown and other George Soros types and derivatives. The Yale World Fellow Program is funded by member of the CFR, Bilderberg and The Trilateral Commission, Maurice Greenberg through his Starr Foundation. Yale is the home of Skull and Bones.
While he works for the USA, Navalny should be very thankful that he wasn't sentenced in one of the many states in the USA who still casually impose the death penalty.
And as for justice, oooh, let's see. The Guildford Four? The Birmingham Six?
And what about all those executed but found innocent years later.
It's obvious what the plan was. Sanctions due to MH17, a massive and suspicious drop in oil prices, and an attack on the Rouble were supposed to wreck the Russian economy, then the paid hero of Wall Street and The City of London Alexy Navalny was supposed to come to Russia's rescue with the support of NATO media.
Navalny is playing a very dangerous game. He has decided to be a traitor to Russia in favour of Wall Street and The City of London. And he is losing...badly.
Some say that Alexander Litvinenko was murdered because of such treason. I'm not so sure about that, but that's what some said and still say.
To minimise the damage caused by the financial aspect of the attack Russia is at last imposing exchange and capital controls, to the annoyance of the FT.
But here is a suggestion as to how Russia could stop the attacks.
A few months ago, may be longer, Russia Today dedicated one full day to the Snowden Revelations. I have raised my suspicion on the Snowden/Greenwald circus: they were plastered all over the NATO media flagships The Guardian and The Washington Post and repeated in all other NATO media for months while the more scandalous murdering Whitehall paedo ring is barely mentioned; Greenwald could still be sitting on 99% of the Snowden Revelations: despite the Snowden Revelations the NSA was granted more surveillance powers, while the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ blubbed that Snowden has blown their surveillance strategy and is aiding al Qaeda so the spying agencies need more money and power, while those spying agencies have been collaborating with al Qaeda since its creation, have a Covenant of Security with the Islamic terrorists, and even asked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to build pipelines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.
So my suggestion is: why not have days on Russian media, in particular RT which has a large and growing audience in the UK, dedicated to exposing the 9/11-General Wesley Clark revelations?
But the weird and suspicious thing is: why is this not being done already?
Instead of this we get Zac
Sunday, December 28, 2014
And now this, a play Truth Lies, Diana which suggests that Hewitt might be Harry's dad because Diana and Hewitt started their affair 18 months before Harry was born not after as we have been led to believe thus far.
It's time to put this conspiracy theory to bed with a DNA test. But even then, would we believe the result?
They're all at it, like the 'common' people they rule over, but while they implement their conspiracy to control the world through NATO/IMF/EU etc the people can't be arsed, even when told the conspiracy.
All the people want is sex, money and a Dyson.
The truth? They can't be arsed about that shit. That's why we are currently in this shit hole, staring into the abyss.
RTL Nieuws recently published a report into some photos of a plume of smoke. Some are saying that this plume of smoke was made by the BUK that shot down MH17. The photos were taken near Shizhne.
Now, almost immediately after MH17 came down the Ukraine Security Service released tapes of alleged intercepts of communications between Ukraine separatists and Russian military officers which the Ukraine Security Service said proved 100% beyond doubt that MH17 was shot down by Cossacks from Chernukhino. They also released a video of a BUK with missing missiles which they at first said was filmed in Krasnodon but quickly changed this to Luhansk.
The reaction from Higgins is that the photos investigated by RTL support your thesis, as implied in your report, that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne not Chernukhino.
So what is your belief in the trustworthiness of the Ukraine Security Service?
Are the Ukraine Security Service liars? Fraudsters? Sick hoaxsters?
And if you do not believe the Ukraine Security Service can be trusted then how can you allow Higgins in a presentation to say that the BUK in the video filmed in Luhansk is the one that shot down MH17 when that video was provided by the Ukraine Security Service?
It is not fine for Higgins to casually wave his arms and joke that the BUK in the video filmed in Luhansk was the one that shot down MH17, without explaining how it got there.
The actual location that the video was filmed was a crossroads in a western suburb of Luhansk. This is crucial for reasons I shall now explain.
For nearly 2 months now I have been pointing out that on 13th July Porky tweeted that the Ukraine Army which was based to the south west of Luhansk was going to punch a hole in the defences of the separatists around Luhansk and create a corridor running from west of Luhansk, through the area south of Luhansk, to Luhansk Airport which is south south east of Luhansk. This meant that on 17th and 18th July that whole area between Shizhne and Luhansk was a war zone and infested with Kiev Nazis. So how did a BUK that allegedly shot down MH17 from a field south of Shizhne on the afternoon of 17th July get to a western suburb of Luhansk at sunrise (which was 0527ish) on 18th July? And pleas explain why a western suburb.
But as the following graphic suggests, from the Rothschild's The Interpreter, that western suburb of Luhansk lies on a natural route between Chernukhino and Luhansk.

I should really have added lots of little Nazi swastikas to the west, south and south south east of Luhansk to indicate that the area between Shizhne and Luhansk was a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis.
But the separatists claim that they shot down an Antonov An 26 with a BUK from Chernukhino on 14th July.
So assuming that the separatists did shoot down MH17 then where was it from: Chernukhino or Shizhne?
If Shizhne then what does that say about the Ukraine Security Service and all the evidence that they have produced and handled? And how did a BUK get from Shizhne through a war zone to a western suburb of Luhansk?
And if Chernukhino then what does that say about your report and in particular Higgins?
You are the ones driving us into WW3 by providing 'evidence' that the separatists shot down MH17 while NATO keeps its alleged 'evidence' secret.
Where was MH17 allegedly shot down from: Chernukhino or Shizhne?
Answers please.
Air Asia is based in Malaysia.
What are the chances?
About as low as me selecting the one rotten apple to tell all this shit to.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
The Ukraine Security Service win this award. The rest are nowhere.
Was MH17 shot down from Chernukhino?
Or Shizhne?
Chernukhino! Shizhne! Chernukhino! Shizne! Oh yes it was! Oh no it wasn't!
Actually, this is not a sick Kiev Nazi pantomime. It is a very important matter.
Because The Ukraine Security Service released tapes of alleged phone intercepts which implicated Cossacks shooting down MH17 from Chernukhino. And they also released a video of a BUK with missing missiles in Luhansk which they said was filmed at dawn on 18th July.
But the current trend, and one which Eliot Higgins seems pleased with, is that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne.
1. assuming that the video of a BUK in Luhansk was filmed on 18th July, how did a BUK get from Shizhne through the war zone south of Luhansk to be in a western suburb (and western is crucial) of Luhansk at sunrise on 18th July? Look at a map and check the routes. Can Higgins suggest a route?
2. that crossroads where the BUK was filmed in Luhansk is on a natural route from Chernukhino, not Shizhne, and the separatists claim they shot down an Antonov An 26 on 14th July from Chernukhino.
So if:
1. the tapes of intercepts have been cobbled together by the Ukraine Security Service; and
2. the BUK in the video filmed in a western suburb (let's not forget western) of Luhansk was not filmed on 18th July as stated by the Ukraine Security Service but was filmed before and is the BUK that shot down the Antonov An 26 on 14th July,
then what does Higgins have to say about the Ukraine Security Service, the reliability of any evidence that they have handled so far (including the photos used by RTL), and in particular their suitability as custodians of evidence from MH17?
And would a neutral and much more international investigation therefore be more suitable than one led by NATO who want Ukraine in NATO?
What was I sayin' just t'other day?
Ukrainians were on high alert on Saturday after a series of explosions occurred in the south and west of the country, killing two people.
...The motive behind the attacks remains unclear. However, a top Ukrainian security official told Mashable by phone on Saturday that he believes "pro-Russians" or Russian agents" carried out the attacks to destabilize the country, and “incite fear” among the population.
However, since the alleged attackers have not yet been identified or captured, he said he “could not say with 100% certainty” that this was the case. "But evidence so far points to this," he added.
[source : Two dead after Ukraine rocked by series of blasts, Mashable, http://mashable.com/2014/12/27/ukraine-blasts/, 27th December 2014]
The dickheads! The motive behind the attacks remains unclear? Can't they see it's obviously Russia trying to provoke Ukraine into joining NATO?
Just like Osama bin Laden provoked NATO into bombing Afghanistan and Iraq just like they wanted but they needed a pretext.
What a transparent farce!!
I am expecting something bigger in the next month or two. These are merely horses doovres (hors d'œuvre).
Remember. This is the same Ukraine Security Service that released to the whole world a tape of alleged intercepts implicating Cossacks shooting down MH17 from Chernukhino, yet somehow the latest trend is to say that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne because of a plume of smoke.
So which was it: Chernukhino or Shizhne?
Eliot Higgins, according to a recent interview with RFE/RL, seemed very pleased with the location being Shizhne. If so then what does he have to say about the diabolical hoax that the Ukraine Security Service have pulled on the world with the fraudulent tapes implicating Cossacks at Chernukhino? And how did a BUK in a field south of Shizhne in the afternoon of 17th July get to Luhansk at sunrise (approximately 0500) on 18th July? Or is that not now the BUK that allegedly shot down MH17?
Higgins now has two major pieces of evidence to confirm: those alleged intercept tapes, and the video of the BUK in Luhansk (which is used in the Belling Cat report).
How could a BUK with missing missiles get through a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis? Magic Carpet?
And according to the Ukraine Security Service (who said MH17 was shot down by Cossacks from Chernukhino) all BUKs were back in Russia by 0400 on 18th July yet the light in the video in Luhansk suggests that that video was filmed at approximately 0500, and the BUK still had another 30 to 45 minutes to reach the border.
So which was it: Chernukhino or Shizhne?
And if Shizhne then what does that suggest about the tapes of the alleged intercepts implicating Cossacks at Chernukhino? And if that evidence cannot be relied then can we rely on other evidence provided by or even handled by the Ukraine Security Service?
And also remember this: Higgins has been pointing to a video of a presentation of his in which he says, ""And here we have the BUK that shot down MH17", or words to that effect. Oh really? How did a BUK in a field south of Shizhne in the afternoon of 17th July get to a western suburb, repeat western suburb, of Luhansk for 0500 on the 18th July, when to be in that suburb is nuts, and to get it there it had to go through a war zone, and that suburb is more a natural route for a BUK from Chernukhino?
So which is it: Chernukhino or Shizhne?
The reliability and trustworthiness of the Ukraine Security Service (who are in control of the evidence for the "completely botched" NATO-led investigation in to MH17) rests on his answers.
And we know he reads this blog.
In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky, her grand old woods, her fertile fields, her beautiful rivers, her mighty lakes, and star-crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked, my joy is soon turned to mourning. When I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slaveholding, robbery and wrong,— when I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten, and that her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing, and led to reproach myself that any thing could fall from my lips in praise of such a land. America will not allow her children to love her. She seems bent on compelling those who would be her warmest friends, to be her worst enemies. May God give her repentance before it is too late, is the ardent prayer of my heart. I will continue to pray, labor and wait, believing that she cannot always be insensible to the dictates of justice, or deaf to the voice of humanity.
[source : Frederick Douglass, Letter to William Lloyd Garrison, 1st January 1846]
President Andrew Jackson was a treacherous, slaveholding scumbag who awarded the Rothschilds the position of agents of the USA in Europe.
But the above extract from the letter also highlights what America is doing today:
compelling those who would be her warmest friends, to be her worst enemies. May God give her repentance before it is too late, is the ardent prayer of my heart. I will continue to pray, labor and wait, believing that she cannot always be insensible to the dictates of justice, or deaf to the voice of humanity.
Perhaps President Obama, if he can be arsed to get off the golf course, will take note of these powerful and prophetic words from one of the most famous and influential campaigners against slavery in America.
How could I be so wrong?!
Friday, December 26, 2014
Senior U.S. intelligence officials cited sensors that traced the path of the missile, shrapnel markings on the downed aircraft, voiceprint analysis of separatists claiming credit for the strike, and a flood of photos and other data from social-media sites.
[source : U.S. discloses intelligence on downing of Malaysian jet, Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-discloses-intelligence-on-downing-of-malaysian-jet/2014/07/22/b178fe58-11e1-11e4-98ee-daea85133bc9_story.html, 22nd July 2014]
Just a few days ago RTL Nieuws released a report into some photographs allegedly taken shorty before MH17 was struck. They show a plume of smoke. That is all. A plume of smoke. No BUKs. No missiles. A plume of smoke. It took over 4 months before anyone analysed those photographs. The Ukraine Security Service got hold of those photos almost immediately and have had their Nazi hands on them since, as well as the camera, etc. Yet why have the USA not released their data from these 'sensors'? Why have they allowed RTL over 4 months to produce a report on a plume of smoke when they say they have the slam dunk evidence from 'sensors' that prove the actual trajectory of the missile that allegedly brought down MH17?
And regarding the voiceprint analysis, the Nazi Ukraine Security Service released tapes to the whole world, not just the CIA, of alleged intercepts that they say prove 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukhino. So what? So, if the USA used the tapes stating that Chernukhino was the launch point for this 'voiceprint analysis', then surely if they have data from sensors telling us otherwise, e.g that Shizhne was the launch point, then they would have told us, right?
Can you see my point?
As far as I know there are no other tapes that implicate the separatists or Cossacks or someone other than the Kiev Nazis, so assuming that the source of the voices used in this 'voiceprint analysis' is the tape in which Cossacks are blamed who launched from Chernukhino then surely the sensor data the USA says it has also suggests that Chernukhino not Shizhne was the launch point!
I ask again: Which is it? Chernukhino? Or Shizhne?
Only one BUK was allegedly launched. It can't have been fired from both locations.
So which is i: Chernukhino? Or Shizhne?
And when I tried to tell one what is really going on I was and still am ostracised.
The contestants can only come from the teaching profession.
The contestants are given scenarios of increasing threat to humanity, with the lowest level threat being, for example a worm at the bottom of a garden just doing its wormy thing, to the highest level threat being total all out nuclear war leading to the implementation of a satanic world government and human population reduced to 1 billion at the most (or something similar).
The host will read out each scenario and the contestants have a minute at the most to decide if they can be arsed or not about the scenario, but they also have to give their reasons. Contestants indicate their decision not by speaking but by shrugging their shoulders and pull a I-can't-be-arsed face to indicate they can't be arsed, or nod to indicate they can be arsed. If the host does not believe that a contestant genuinely cannot be arsed and that their stated reason(s) for not being arsed are not credible or insincere then the host may disqualify that contestant.
Each contestant has three challenges to use against the other contestants. When challenged by a fellow contestant the challenged must provide another reason for not being arsed. However, if the challenged can successfully provide another reason to the satisfaction of the host then the challenger loses that challenge and their challenge total is reduced by one.
Once a contestant indicates that they can be arsed then they leave the game and cannot proceed further and take no further part.
If whenever just one contestant is left not being arsed about a goddamn thing then he or she wins.
If in the end more than one contestant can't be arsed then the host must decide a winner based on the reasons given by each contestant as to why they cannot be arsed.
What will this breed in society?
Well, what did Big Brother accomplish? For a decade we have been watching and watching and watching and watching ordinary civilians and Z-list celebrities in Big Brother. This has led to acclimatisation of the Big Brother society in which we are all spied on all of the time. So what happens when Ed Snowden and Glenn Greenwald are plastered all over the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post for weeks with their revelations repeated in all other NATO media? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Well, that's not quite true. Because while Glenn Greenwald has sat on 99% of The Snowden Revelations, just last week the NSA was granted virtually unlimited surveillance powers over American citizens. And here in the DFQ the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ blubbed that the Snowden revelations have helped al Qaeda, when we created al Qaeda, unleashed them onto and have been supporting them in Syria and have even been encouraging Britons to go to Syria to fight alongside and be trained by al Qaeda so that they become a threat to national security on their return. Thanks to Big Brother we have become acclimatised to the total surveillance society, because how can we complain about being spied on for 24 hours a day if we watch other people for 24 hours a day, or watch videos of people in their houses?
This latest BBC bollocks will put the idea into society that perhaps we don't like our partners, that we can be without them, and thus lead to further divide and rule by the oligarchy and add to that societal breakdown we have experienced since about 1960.
And take note of the title: Prized Apart.
There is the implication that there is a prize in being apart, and that couples are being prised apart by the ruling class.
I don't like the look of this.
Police privately admit cover up for paedophile MPs and VIPs
in which they reported evidence gathered intelligence from a private forum of police officers that several scandals involving MP and VIP paedophiles were ordered shut down from the top.
This should have been headline news the following Monday, and should still be headline news.
But it wasn't. Only two minor newspapers covered it, and it was another week before one of the mainstream newspapers covered it.
And it still isn't.
Today we have Emma Watson is going topless and Kym Marsh allegedly fiddling £ 15k.
But remember what happened during the summer of 2013? These two fellas Ed Snowden and Glenn Greenwald were on the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post for weeks, with their revelations reported in every other NATO media outlet daily.
This should indicate that they don't want us to know that we are run by paedos but wanted us to know that we were being spied on. And then Snowden and Greenwald were blamed for assisting al Qaeda and their allies in Syria by their revelations, when we created al Qaeda and have been supporting al Qaeda in Syria!! And what was requested because of this? That the spies be given more surveillance powers!!
And another thing: would you believe our government if you knew it was riddled with paedos?
Would you believe them when they said that the war on Syria is for freedom, democracy and human rights being fought by moderate groups of Syrians and that it is not a war fought by international cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia for a pipeline from Qatar to Europe through Saudi Arabia and Turkey and that 9/11 was done partly for this war?
Would you believe them when they said that the war in Ukraine is being fought by downtrodden masses of Ukrainians against Russophile terrorists and not by violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazis against a concerned citizenry alarmed at the IMF neo-Nazi fascism that is now being implemented and even recognised by the citizens of Kiev, and which has just run a violent neo-Nazi NATO/IMF/EU coup against their legitimately elected government?
Well. This is what is happening. In both of the above cases we are told the former when the reality is the latter. But at the same time investigations into MP and VIP paedo rings are unreported and shut down.
Some people cannot or refuse to understand that we are run by paedos who lie to us all the time.
The Guardian is reporting on City Link going bust.
The Daily Mail is reporting on Boxing Day sales.
The Daily Mirror is reporting on...Boxing Day sales.
The Independent is reporting on the tsuanmi of 2004.
The Daily Telegraph is reporting on how the British economy is the fifth largest in the world because we include sex and drugs.
The Sun is reporting on Kym Marsh, and some poor fella who cheated on his apparently gorgeous fiancee and he wants her back (1,2,3...aawwww).
The FT is reporting on Russia bailing out a Russian bank (what did we do 6 years ago, and Russia is under financial and soon terrorist attack when NATO unleashes the Chechens again).
Sky News is focusing on the tsunami of 2004.
And The Daily Star reports the festive news that Emma Watson is going topless.
But where is the Whitehall paedo scandal?
IT HAS BEEN CRUCIFIED (but in secret)!!
To engineer and execute WW1 you cannot be human. There must be something in their DNA, and unfortunately those genes have been passed down so that we now see international cutthroat Jihadis unleashed onto defencelss Syrian children and brave Syrian officers trying to protect them have their heads sawn off on camera by an organisation that our allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar created.
But we all know someone like this: an unspecial queen-type, who lets others do their dirty work for them while they admire their true reptilian selves in the mirror.

Thursday, December 25, 2014
1. Ukraine is one of the leading members of the investigation team into MH17;
2. the investigation has been described by the victims families as "completely botched";
3. the Ukraine Security Service is in control of the evidence used by the investigation that it in part controls;
4. that that same Ukraine Security Service released highly likely fraudulent tapes alleged to be intercepts between separatists and Russia which they at the time said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 with a BUK from Chernukhino but now claim that following the publication of some photos of a plume of smoke near Shizhne (photos that they have had their hands on from the start) MH17 was shot down from Shizhne;
5. Ukraine has BUKs but these are being ignored by the investigation team and NATO media and their gimps;
6. immediately after MH17 came down several eyewitnesses stated that they saw fighter jets flying close to MH17, a fact that the BBC has tried to cover up by withdrawing a report interviewing those witnesses;
7. NATO has wanted Ukraine as a member of NATO for decades.
In the following Sergei Lavrov reveals that Ukraine and the USA are withholding evidence from the investigation that could prove the culpability of Ukraine while doing all they can to blame Russia and the separatists:
“”We still have no replies to the questions: Where are the data from the US satellites that monitored the area on that day? Where are the data from US planes that were flying over that area? Where are the testimonies by Dnipropetrovsk air traffic controllers who were responsible for keeping track of flights in that part of Ukraine’s airspace? We have long requested a logbook of all sorties Ukrainian combat planes based on that area flew on that day,” Lavrov said, adding that nothing had been done.
“We only hear accusations that Russia is to blame for everything, that the militias are to blame for everything, and that our questions are being asked for the sole purpose of misleading the investigation,” Lavrov said.
He is certain, though, that truth will make its way to the surface in the long run.
“It is impossible to pretend ignorant on and on when very specific questions are asked again and again. We have opened a criminal case. It will be impossible to ignore this process. The questions will have to be answered,” he said.
[source : Russian FM: US, Ukraine will have to answer questions about MH17 crash, Itar-Tass, http://itar-tass.com/en/world/769260, 25th December 2014]
As I have pointed out this week, the investigation into MH17, run by NATO founder the Netherlands and a suspect in shooting down MH17 Ukraine, has been "completely botched", as victims families have described its management. There is an agreement between the leading members of the investigation that they veto any evidence that does not fit their already biased view. And guess who is handling the evidence? The Ukraine Security Service, the same Ukraine Security Service who we suspect released fraudulent tapes of alleged intercepts that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukhino but just a few days ago released photos that showed a plume of smoke near Shizhne, photos that they have had their Nazi hands on from the start, claiming that MH17 was shot down from Shizhne not Chernukhino.
Did we just imagine those?
Are we just supposed to forget and/or ignore them now?
Even though they convicted the separatists in the court of international public opinion from 18th August onwards?
The investigation into MH17 is being slowed, delayed. And the leadership of Ukraine and NATO both want Ukraine in NATO but they need an incident to demand an emergency session to join NATO. Both want Ukraine in NATO quickly before the investigation publishes its conclusion, which is not as solid as they had hoped for.
So it is my prediction that a false flag of some kind will occur in Ukraine quite soon, before publication of the MH17 report, an emergency session will occur and Ukraine will vote to join NATO. It will then be revealed that the report into MH17 is inconclusive or Ukraine shot it down. But because Ukraine will have joined NATO by then Russia will not be able to do much about it.
But it was not the silence of respect.
She was silent because of guilt.
It was her great grandfather, the nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate King Edward VII who as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England engineered the Triple Entente which would be used to surround Germany for World War 1. The Triple Entente was eventually formalised by Sir Edward Grey. And it was her grandfather King George V who told Kaiser Wilhelm after the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand that Great Britain was not going to get involved in any war while at the same time ordering Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into any subsequent war. This encouraged the mobilisation of concerned nations to war, Germany invading Belgium, then Grey citing the 1839 Treaty of London as a casus belli to defend Belgium when Great Britain was not legally bound to defend Belgium unilaterally.
World War 1 was a trap set by Great Britain to destroy Germany and Europe in a bid to establish a world government that the ruling oligarchy in Great Britain would control, using American muscle to enforce their will. But the USA voted out of the League of Nations, which led to the British oligarchy engineering World War 2 to get their world government in the form of the United Nations.
The Queen will reveal how she was stunned into silence as she walked among the sea of poppies commemorating those who died in the First World War.
In her annual Christmas message, the monarch will say she felt the 'only possible reaction' to walking among the 888,246 red ceramic poppies at the Tower of London was 'silence'.
[source : Queen will reveal she was stunned into silence as she walked among the poppies at the Tower of London that marked the First World War centenary, The Daily Mail, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2886536/A-message-reconciliation-Queen-say-s-deeply-touched-selflessness-fighting-Ebola-pay-tribute-Tower-London-ceramic-poppies-Christmas-speech.html, 25th December 2014]
Is that the same Ukraine Security Service who released tapes of alleged intercepts that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukhino. Yet just a few days ago they changed their minds and released photos showing a plume of smoke near Shizhne declaring that MH17 was shot down from there not Chernukhino. This implies their original claim was a terrible hoax on the world, and that this new claim cannot be trusted because the Ukraine Security Service have had their Nazi hands on the photographs from the start.
Security Service denies that Ukraine warplane may have shot down MH17 http://t.co/bLlabBhgl3 pic.twitter.com/CakWhfoVCz
— Ukrainian News (@24todayneteng) December 24, 2014
And I got this from a retweet by Eliot Higgins, the same Eliot Higgins who has refused to answer my questions about the tapes and videos that the Ukraine Security Service have previously released, some of which were used as evidence in that dubious report from Belling Cat, and the implications for the trustworthiness of the Ukraine Security Service.
My questions are valid and need answering, because he and his colleagues are driving us into WW3.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
But just a month ago Islamic State beheaded eighteen Syrian officers in a filmed mass execution. Some in the west even applauded. Most just shrugged their shoulders as if Syrian military personnel don't matter.
I went to the supermarket this afternoon for last minute stuff. The usual banal and most inappropriate songs were being played on the PA: War Is Over by John Lennon was one that stood out as the most banal and most inappropriate. The war on Syria rages on and on. As I explained earlier there is very strong evidence to suggest that David Haines and Alan Henning were allowed to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for war. Nobody in the supermarket was happy. The majority looked slightly annoyed that they had to get the shopping done by 4pm and then wrap the presents and take them round, all that stuff. I sensed that apathy on the train the other day when that young boy began to sing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands": his mother told him to shush without even looking up from her phone and everybody else except myself didn't even look up and/or smile.
And that apathy is exemplified by that unspecial someone who can't even be arsed to ask how they could help, despite me telling them if they can't help (which I don't think will be the case) then they will never hear from me again.
War is over if you want it?
Forget it. The people want sex, money and a Dyson.
Those praying for the downed #jordanian pilot, where were u when the #FSA downed a #Syria|n pilot & cooked his head? http://t.co/yoBz4DwyDJ
— Partisangirl (@Partisangirl) December 24, 2014
Lest we forget, a few years ago RAND wrote that we must WW3 quite soon.
#BruceBennett #RAND Corp adviser to #Sony for #TheInterview is top theorist of toppling #NorthKorean regime by killing leader-Terrorist op?
— WebsterGTarpley (@WebsterGTarpley) December 24, 2014
#CNN: Movie theater brags that #theInterview showing proves "freedom wins"-In reality #CIA #RAND Corp #StateDepartment psyop is step to war
— WebsterGTarpley (@WebsterGTarpley) December 24, 2014
Hold on while I open the envelope...
The neo-Nazis in Odessa...who chased anti-Kiev protestors into a building and burned them alive, shooting at those preparing to jump from 3rd floor windows to escape the flames and then beating to death or humiliating those who survived the jump. This atrocity was also covered up by NATO media, who portrayed the neo-Nazis as saints fighting a devilish tyrant.
Benjamin Netanyahu, for his utterly barbaric and unhuman war on The Gaza Strip. That devil murdered over 2000 people, yes people not scum, over 500 of whom were children.
And how many Israelis died? 5? 10? Less?
But very close in joint second place came all our politicians for not daring to condemn the barbarity until over several hundred had been wiped off the face of the Earth. The one exception was George Galloway who paid for his noise later by being attacked by a Zionist, who has been sent down but will be out shortly to live the rest of his life on a Kibbutz.
David Haines had been a RAF engineer but went to Syria for humanitarian reasons. He was kidnapped by one of the extreme cutthroat Islamic factions that our allies Saudi Arabia have been financing for nearly 4 years now, and ended up in the hands of Islamic State.
Alan Henning was a taxi driver from Greater Manchester but volunteered to go to Syria for humanitarian purposes. He too was kidnapped by one of the extreme cutthroat Islamic factions that our allies Saudi Arabia have been supporting and ended up in the hands of Islamic State.
Alan's family and friends approached Moazzam Begg for his help. As an ex-detainee of Guantanamo Bay for years in an orange jumpsuit, Begg more than anyone else might have been able to connect with the leadership of Islamic State and negotiate Alan's release. Begg went to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to discuss this proposal. It was apparently Alistair Burt who rejected Begg's offer of help. Begg went to Syria anyway, even discussing his plans with MI5, who gave him the nod.
But upon his return in February Begg was arrested on trumped up charges related to his visit to Syria, and held in custody, where he would be unable to negotiate the release of Haines and Henning or anyone else.
In August Islamic State suddenly began to saw the heads off their hostages. Actually, to be more precise, Islamic State began to saw the heads off hostages whose nations didn't cough up any ransom. Before August Islamic State had threatened to saw the heads off hostages, but the governments of those hostages coughed up, France coughing up millions to save four hostages, who were released. Now this should have shown Cameron and Obama that Islamic State, as brutal as they are, can be relied upon to release hostages if a ransom is paid.
But Cameron refused to pay any ransom.
And neither did Obama.
Before Alan Henning was murdered two American hostages were beheaded: James Foley and Steven Sotloff. But it was later revealed that the families of Foley and Sotloff had been approached by the FBI and threatened with prosecution if they tried to negotiate a ransom.
After Foley and Sotloff it was two Brits: David Haines and Alan Henning.
Cameron refused to pay any ransom, giving a couple of reasons: it financed terrorism; a treaty agreed at the G8 meeting in 2013. Both of these are bogus. First, London has been known as Londonistan for decades due to the Covenant of Security between MI5 and Islamic terrorists, and our allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been funding the cutthroat Jihadis in Syria for nearly 4 years now. Second, France is a member of the G8 but France paid ransoms for hostages who were subsequently released.
But despite using bogus reasons for not paying any ransom to save Haines and Henning, Cameron stood up in Parliament to propose a bill for war which cited the deaths of Haines and Henning as a casus belli!!!!!!!
And the reason why Cameron was so desperate to get us into a war on Syria is because 9/11 was done for precisely that reason but the war is well behind schedule. General Wesley Clark was told the plan shortly after 9/11 for wars in a five year period on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia, all of whom had sweet FA to do with 9/11. But by 2007 this plan was well behind schedule. So in 2007 the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon, but they were first unleashed onto Libya. David Haines and Alan Henning were in Syria because they had volunteered to help out in the humanitarian crisis caused by these Saudi-sponsored cutthroat Jihadis.
It is my very strong belief that Cameron could and should have paid the ransoms for Haines and Henning. It is also my belief that Begg was detained to prevent him from negotiating the release of Haines and Henning. And it is also my belief that someone in the highest levels of government deliberately allowed Haines and Henning to be murdered. Why else were bogus reasons cited for not paying a ransom but their deaths cited as a casus belli?
Was it Cameron? MI6? Hague? Hammond?
And if you think that Cameron is not that callous, to allow two British aid workers to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for war on Syria, it was later found out that Cameron uses armed police to seal a wood from the general public so that he, Cameron, can shoot defenceless pigeons dead in secret.
How sick is that?!
So The TTS Award for Man of the Year 2014 is a joint award to David Haines and Alan Henning.
Both were more of a man than Cameron will ever be in his wildest dreams.
And it is for that reason that Cameron wins the TTS Award for Callous Bastard of the Year 2014.
My thoughts are with the families of David Haines and Alan Henning. May justice be served one day.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
But who were they fighting? The Nazis.
Here is a photo of swastikas recently painted on the fence of the Russian Embassy in Kiev.
#Rus elçilik kapısında gamalı haç. #Kiev
"@Novorossiyan Swastika on #Russian Embassy gate, #Kiev. pic.twitter.com/W3hBNitWYD"
— ∏_1917 (ن) (@BatmazAy) June 14, 2014
And here is the source of those Swastikas: Maidan protestors marching behind a photo of Stepan Bandera. During WW2 Bandera paved the way for the Nazi invasion of Ukraine and is implicated in the resulting massacres by the Nazis.

This is what we as a nation are supporting in Ukraine: Nazis being used to implement IMF fascism.
Did my and your ancestors fight and die in WW2 for nowt?
Merry Fascist Christmas everybody!!
The reason why East Ukraine rebelled against the Kiev Nazis is not because they are terrorists. They didn't riot against the police, storm the government buildings in Kiev, set them on fire and chase away a legitimately elected government. They didn't chase protestors into a building in Odessa and burn them alive. No. East Ukraine rebelled against the Kiev Nazis because the Kiev Nazis are just that: Nazis. There is ample photographic and video evidence to prove beyond doubt the Nazi heritage of the Maidan Riots that brought Yats and Porky into power. But our media refuses to recognise this.
But Yats is already in trouble.
The Kiev regime sold its soul to the IMF devil. In this Faustian pact Yats is slashing the budget and selling off state assets (sound familiar to anyone in the UK?). Yats runs a foundation called Open Ukraine with overt links to everybody's favourite organisations for sedition and fascism: NATO, The National Endowment for Democracy, Chatham House and The US Embassy in Kiev, among others. And here is one for Aric Toler, employee of George Soros through Toler's employment at RuNet Echo: Yats is also sponsored by Nazi collaborator George Soros through the International Renaissance Foundation.
So this is why Yats was hand-picked by Victoria Nuland. He is one of their guys. A fellow fascist.
And that is what East Ukraine recognises and is rebelling against.
But it now appears that it is not just East Ukraine that is seeing this Wall Street fascism.
There were large protests today in Kiev. To celebrate the repeal of the law to join NATO? Er, nope. Thousands gathered to protest the fascist austerity that is due to Yats and his merry band of fascist thugs in Svoboda and Right Sector running a violent coup to kick out a legitimately elected government and sign up with the IMF and EU (who ironically warned everyone to stay well clear of Svoboda!!).
It is all such a farce.
First the SBU release tapes that they said were intercepts of phone conversations between Cossacks and Russian military officers that prove 100%, beyond doubt that the Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukhino. But for whatever reason, in the last few days they have decided that those Cossack guys that they listened into talking about shooting down MH17 from Chernukhino were liars, and that MH17 was actually shot down from Shizhne because they have a photo of a plume of smoke!!
And now Yats is facing a Maidan all of his own making: without him and his fellow Nazis and fascists the people of Ukraine would not be facing such a dark, bleak future under the IMF jackboot.
But now the Kiev Nazi SBU say, "No, hang on, we were wrong. Those guys in Chernukhino we intercepted talking to Russian military officers were lying because MH17 was shot down by a BUK from Shizhne." And they now tell us that they, the SBU, have been in on this new 'evidence' form the start, taking control of the camera, sticks, etc from almost immediately after MH17 was shot down.
Besides the obvious huge embarrassment of releasing 'intercepted' tapes which the SBU said proved that Cossacks in Chernukhino shot down MH17 but now are changing their minds to tell us that someone they have been working with since MH17 was shot down has a photo of a plume of smoke. No photo of a BUK firing a missile, but a plume of smoke, possibly from a BUK, but equally possible from a fire. We don't know. Nobody saw a BUK in the fields south of Shizhne or Torez, but a man working very closely with the SBU for several months, the same SBU who told us that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukhino, photographed a plume of smoke.
Can you begin to see my scepticism?
But to add to this scepticism, there are now huge consequences for this change of allegation, which as usual are being ignored by NATO media and their gimps. These are:
1. why would the SBU release tapes of intercepted recordings made allegedly between Cossacks and Russian military officers 'proving' that they had shot down MH17 from Chernukhino but now they say MH17 was shot down from Shizhne? Were those tapes fake? Or are these photos fake? At least one of them is. But which one? And if one of them is fake then they may both be fake. Either way we cannot trust the SBU in any way shape or form. In fact they are an international laughing stock.
2. Assuming that the SBU were and still are lying about Cossacks shooting down MH17 from Chernukhino, and that we can believe them after that terrible fraud and hoax, and that MH17 was indeed shot down from Shizhne, then the questions that I have been asking for a month or so now MUST be answered. Recall that Porky tweeted on 13th July that the Kiev Nazis were going to create a corridor to Luhansk Airport that would run from west Luhansk, through south of Luhansk to reach Luhansk Airport which is South South East of Luhansk. This led to the situation in which on the night of 17th and morning of 18th July that whole area between Shizhne and Luhansk was a war zone. So my questions are:
(i) how did a BUK in a field south of Shizhne on 17th July get to a western suburb of Luhansk at approximately 0500 on 18th July without being intercepted by Kiev Nazis?
(ii) why would a BUK be transported from Shizhne to Luhansk through a war zone when it could have been kept well away from the eyes of any Nazis?
(iii) and this is where it now gets really, really embarrassing for the SBU: why did they say that all BUKs were back in Russia by 0400 on 18th July when, if that infamous video is to be believed, the actual BUK that may have shot down MH17 was in Luhansk at approximately 0500, based on the light and sunrise time.
My theory is the following:
1. the BUK filmed in Luhansk was not filmed on 18th July but before, and was the BUK that shot down the Antonov An 26 on 14th July. This would explain why the SBU say all BUKs were in Russia by 0400 on 18th yet the alleged smoking gun BUK was filmed in almost broad daylight still at least a half hour away from the border;
2. the intercepted tapes of Cossacks at Chernukhino admitting to shooting down MH17 are fake;
3. and if so, then because the SBU have been working on these photos of a plume of smoke since almost the day after MH17 was shot down they cannot be trusted.
So my question to Higgins, Toler and Ukraine@War is:
Was MH17 shot down from Chernukhino or Shizhne?
And if you believe Shizhne then what about the SBU and their intercepted tapes and videos, doubts about which I have raised above.
Answers please, because you lot are driving us into WW3.
Retweeted by Aric Toler
свидетель скинул фотку момента пуска ракеты.На горизонте канатная дорога между Лутугина и Цоф #Торез граница #Снежное pic.twitter.com/Z3mBtLjWfa
— Хуевый Торез (@WowihaY) July 17, 2014
Tweeted by Ukraine@War
@DajeyPetros What's ABSOLUTELY clear from this 2nd photo, is that there INDEED were clouds above the launch location. pic.twitter.com/GuNbPwUFd9
— Ukraine@war (@DajeyPetros) December 23, 2014
Why is one hazy blue while the other looks like the end of the world has arrived?
Nobody seems to find it just a teeny weeny bit suspicious that in the few days immediately previous to this vote:
1. the USA had given the official "completely botched" investigation its 'classified' data, the data that it says is slam dunk evidence against the separatists but we can't see it, only the official "completely botched" investigation run by NATO and its wannabes can see it (if it so slam dunk then why has it been kept secret so long instead of being released to the public and skewering the separatists in August, thus stopping the war?);
2. RTL publishes a report and interview just the day before the vote of a man claiming to have taken a photo of a plume of smoke that may or may not originate just South of Torez/Shizhne just after MH17 was hit, but not pointing out that the Kiev Nazi SBU have had their bloody hands on it from the start, the same SBU who cobbled together a tape recording claiming that MH17 was shot down by Cossacks from Chernukhino.
It is things like the above that influence voters, particularly if the twittersphere goes mental, but a few months down the line nobody cares about.
I repeat: Ukraine is a coveted prize of the Kiddie-fiddlers in London, and they will stop at nothing to get it, particularly now that the BRICS have formed a viable alterative to their bloodsucking IMF system, which ironically Ukraine is now a victim of!
But what are the chances that of all the planes in all the world, the one plane that is shot down over Ukraine was a plane originating in, and with the vast majority of passengers belonging to, NATO founder The Netherlands, thus leading to The Netherlands leading the investigation (which victims families say is already "completely botched"), when NATO has desperately wanted Ukraine under its control for decades?
This is the editorial in The Washington Post today on Ukraine, which is about to collapse and is in desperate need of $15 billion. But fear not! The IMF will rescue Ukraine. The pantomime is that the IMF is the economic wing of Bilderberg while NATO is the military wing. NATO just wrecked Ukraine by running the coup when Ukraine could have been more stable and prosperous had it been allowed to sign that deal with Russia. But it wasn't. Instead NATO unleashed the Nazis, as they unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis in Syria, leading to violence, murders, a violent coup, ant-Kiev protestors being burned alive in Odessa, war and ultimately MH17 being shot down.
So whatever the outcome of any investigation into MH17, if NATO had not unleashed the Nazis then MH17 would more than likely not have been shot down.
But here is what the revealing editorial says:
...Mr. Putin may calculate that if he simply stands back, the fragile democratic government in Kiev will be destroyed by an economic collapse during the winter.
Preventing that implosion will require $15 billion in fresh assistance to Ukraine in 2015, on top of the $17 billion International Monetary Fund bailout arranged this year, according to the European Union. President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk have been pleading for the funds with the European Union, the IMF and the Obama administration. The response has been less than encouraging.
...Western governments have said additional support must be linked to a credible economic reform program. By most accounts, Mr. Yatsenyuk delivered one this month. It would cut government spending by 10 percent, mandate that gas prices be set at the market price, remove labor and import restrictions and allow the privatization of hundreds of state companies, among other steps. The prime minister’s new cabinet is a technocrat’s dream, with 15 ministers who have not served in previous failed Ukrainian governments — including Natalia Jaresko, a U.S. citizen and highly respected investment banker who has taken over the finance ministry.
[source : Ukraine’s economy is on the rocks and needs Western help, Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ukraines-economy-is-on-the-rocks-and-needs-western-help/2014/12/22/741a2de8-8a04-11e4-a085-34e9b9f09a58_story.html, 22nd December 2014]
In other words, Yats, who was hand picked by Victoria Nuland and is sponsored by NATO through his foundation Open Ukraine, has slashed the budget by 10% and is flogging off state assets and companies in return for a huge loan from the IMF, the need for which was caused by Yats and NATO's Nazis being unleashed onto Ukraine.
You could not make this stuff up!!
But who cares. Who can be arsed. It's Crimbo time!!
(Reuters) - Relatives of MH17 crash victims, angered by what they see as Dutch mishandling of inquiries into the disaster, want a special U.N. envoy to launch an international investigation.
A letter sent to Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Friday, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, said Dutch officials had failed to build a case. They asked that inquiries by the Safety Board and prosecution service be handed over to the United Nations.
Rutte should "request the U.N. to appoint a special envoy to take over," said the letter written by Van der Goen Attorneys.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was downed on July 17 over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew, two-thirds of them Dutch. Experts say the most likely cause was a ground-to-air missile fired from territory held by pro-Russian separatists.
The Dutch launched the largest criminal investigation in their history after the crash. This week, trucks are carrying pieces of the plane home, but much of the wreckage still lies in Ukrainian fields.
Dutch investigators, leading a case involving 11 countries, have not concluded how the plane was shot down or identified suspects.
The Netherlands "has completely botched" the fact-finding investigation and the legal framework of the case, said the letter, sent on behalf of 20 relatives from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States.
Dutch prosecutors have been unable to access the crash site, in a war zone disputed by Ukrainian troops and Russian-backed rebels, or not met international requirements to secure evidence, the letter said.
"Nobody knows who is doing what," said Bob van der Goen, a spokesman for the law firm. "There is no coordination, there is no leadership whatsoever (by) Holland."
Rutte said on Friday the Dutch teams were returning to the Netherlands. "We have done everything we could. In view of the safety situation and the weather, we cannot do anything more right now," he said.
An international inquiry is the only way to identify who shot down the plane and ensure they are brought to court, the letter said.
Van der Goen has represented relatives of victims of a 1992 El Al jetliner crash in Amsterdam, a 2010 Afriqiyah Airways crash in the Libyan capital Tripoli and the 1977 Pan Am-KLM crash in the Canary Islands that left 583 people dead.
Relatives of the Pan Am-KLM crash victims received more than $100,000 each, the highest ever settlement at the time.
(Reporting By Anthony Deutsch; Editing by Tom Heneghan)
[source : Angry families of MH17 crash victims seek U.N. investigation, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/05/us-ukraine-crisis-mh-idUSKCN0JJ1OK20141205, 5th December 2014]
So what was the response from Rutte?
If the case against the separatists was as solid as we are being led to believe then why not have a person from a nation that is not a member of NATO, particularly not from a founding member of NATO as the Dutch are, running the investigation?
Why not hand it all over to someone a bit more neutral? To please the families of the victims of MH17? To give them a bit more peace of mind that justice is being served? After all, it was their loved ones who died. It is for them that the investigation is being held. For justice.
But Fuck Off was the reply.
Here is the Reuters report on that diabolical refusal.
(Reuters) - The Dutch government on Tuesday rejected a proposal from relatives of victims of the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 to let the United Nations take charge of its criminal investigation into the disaster.
A request to appoint a special U.N. envoy to take over the inquiry was sent on Friday by a law firm representing 20 relatives, who have accused the Netherlands of failing to build a legal case to prosecute those responsible..
"The investigation by the Dutch Safety Board is being carried out not only by Dutch investigators," wrote Dick Schoof, a senior justice ministry official in a reply to the lawfirm, listing the 11 countries that had contributed to the team, including Malaysia, Russia and Ukraine.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was downed on July 17 over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 passengers and crew, two-thirds of them Dutch. Experts say the most likely cause was a ground-to-air missile fired from territory held by pro-Russian separatists.
(Reporting By Thomas Escritt and Anthony Deutsch; Editing by Crispian Balmer)
[source : Dutch reject MH17 relatives' request for U.N.-led crash inquiry, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/09/us-ukraine-crisis-mh17-inquiry-idUSKBN0JN1YJ20141209, 9th December 2014]
So when I say that the investigation into MH17 is as corrupt as Strictly Come Dancing and The Warren Commission this is what I am referring to.
Ukraine has been a much coveted prize of NATO for decades. Ukraine is a key transit for Russian energy to Europe and has a border with Russia. If NATO could control Ukraine the NATO would be able to plonk first strike nuclear missiles on Russia's border aimed at Moscow. Therefore NATO has great interest in seeing that Donetsk not Kiev is blamed.
Yet here with MH17 we have the following situation:
1. a founding member of NATO, the Netherlands, is leading the investigation;
2. when suspicious and angry families of victims of MH17 ask that the investigation be handed over to the UN because they feel that the Dutch have "completely botched" the investigation that request is refused;
3. the nation whose plane was shot down, Malyasia, was not allowed to be a part of the investigation until a week or so ago;
4. another possible suspect Ukraine, who is also the nation who stands to gain most from blaming the separatists, is also running the investigation;
5. NATO has just run a violent neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine and at the demand of Victoria Nuland installed their man Yats as the PM, while the new President is rushing an urgent bill through an emergency session to join NATO;
6. Ukraine has the same weapon, the BUK, that is suspected of bringing down MH17, has many more of them than the separatists had, but these are being completely ignored by NATO media and their gimps, so all focus is on the separatists.
I know!!
What a NATO Nazi farce!!!
It stinks to high heaven of a corrupt, incompetent, biased and politically motivated investigation. The families of victims of MH17 have recognised this, demanded that the UN lead the investigation, but the Dutch, i.e. NATO, tell those concerned families to fuck off.
So you tell me: is this a fair and unbiased investigation seeking justice? Or a corrupt, biased and politically motivated investigation not seeking justice?
Because, you know, kiddie-fiddlers and those blackmailing them or providing them with kids to fiddle with in return for their political cooperation, would never, ever, ever lie to us.
What's that I hear you shout?
No. It's true. Honest.
Kiddie-fiddlers and those blackmailing them or providing them with kids to fiddle with in return for their political cooperation, would never, ever, ever lie to us.
I was telling you.
And look what happened: ostracised!!
All those conversations you had about absolute irrelevant boring crap. Did you even ask one question of any substance?
And when I try to tell one of you what is going on: OSTRACISED!!
Even when that person might be able to help me stop all this shit: STILL OSTRACISED!!
So you can pack that "You should have told us" lark in...because I was telling you!!
No wonder the country is so fucked up.
You should try having your brains fried by microwave weapons. It does wonders for you. You feel lethargic, anti-social, brainless. It's great!!
Go on.
Try it!!
I dare you...
Naagh. You won't. Too busy constructing a safe but ultimately insignificant middle class life to be arsed, like the rest of the apathetic human race.
I repeat: I was telling you and look what happened. OSTRACISED!!!