Friday, December 26, 2014


This is the basic format for a new TV quiz show called I Can't Be Arsed.

The contestants can only come from the teaching profession.

The contestants are given scenarios of increasing threat to humanity, with the lowest level threat being, for example a worm at the bottom of a garden just doing its wormy thing, to the highest level threat being total all out nuclear war leading to the implementation of a satanic world government and human population reduced to 1 billion at the most (or something similar).

The host will read out each scenario and the contestants have a minute at the most to decide if they can be arsed or not about the scenario, but they also have to give their reasons. Contestants indicate their decision not by speaking but by shrugging their shoulders and pull a I-can't-be-arsed face to indicate they can't be arsed, or nod to indicate they can be arsed. If the host does not believe that a contestant genuinely cannot be arsed and that their stated reason(s) for not being arsed are not credible or insincere then the host may disqualify that contestant.

Each contestant has three challenges to use against the other contestants. When challenged by a fellow contestant the challenged must provide another reason for not being arsed. However, if the challenged can successfully provide another reason to the satisfaction of the host then the challenger loses that challenge and their challenge total is reduced by one.

Once a contestant indicates that they can be arsed then they leave the game and cannot proceed further and take no further part.

If whenever just one contestant is left not being arsed about a goddamn thing then he or she wins.

If in the end more than one contestant can't be arsed then the host must decide a winner based on the reasons given by each contestant as to why they cannot be arsed.

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