Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Alexy Navalny is an Anglo-American Establishment agent.

Navalny was financed by the US State Department via The National Endowment for Democracy, whose goal is to finance regime change and install a Wall-Street-friendly government who will implement The Washington Consensus of eye-watering austerity and privatisation of quality state-owned companies at bargain basement prices. The NED is run by CFR member Carl Gershman, a former employee of B'nai B'rith and a former Governor of the American Jewish Committee.

Navalny was Yale World Fellow when he was taught by Lord Malloc-Brown and other George Soros types and derivatives. The Yale World Fellow Program is funded by member of the CFR, Bilderberg and The Trilateral Commission, Maurice Greenberg through his Starr Foundation. Yale is the home of Skull and Bones.

While he works for the USA, Navalny should be very thankful that he wasn't sentenced in one of the many states in the USA who still casually impose the death penalty.

And as for justice, oooh, let's see. The Guildford Four? The Birmingham Six?

And what about all those executed but found innocent years later.

It's obvious what the plan was. Sanctions due to MH17, a massive and suspicious drop in oil prices, and an attack on the Rouble were supposed to wreck the Russian economy, then the paid hero of Wall Street and The City of London Alexy Navalny was supposed to come to Russia's rescue with the support of NATO media.

Navalny is playing a very dangerous game. He has decided to be a traitor to Russia in favour of Wall Street and The City of London. And he is losing...badly.

Some say that Alexander Litvinenko was murdered because of such treason. I'm not so sure about that, but that's what some said and still say.

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