Tuesday, December 30, 2014


NATO media, politicians and a new species, the NATO tweeter, are gloating at the blatant attack on Russia.

To minimise the damage caused by the financial aspect of the attack Russia is at last imposing exchange and capital controls, to the annoyance of the FT.

But here is a suggestion as to how Russia could stop the attacks.

A few months ago, may be longer, Russia Today dedicated one full day to the Snowden Revelations. I have raised my suspicion on the Snowden/Greenwald circus: they were plastered all over the NATO media flagships The Guardian and The Washington Post and repeated in all other NATO media for months while the more scandalous murdering Whitehall paedo ring is barely mentioned; Greenwald could still be sitting on 99% of the Snowden Revelations: despite the Snowden Revelations the NSA was granted more surveillance powers, while the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ blubbed that Snowden has blown their surveillance strategy and is aiding al Qaeda so the spying agencies need more money and power, while those spying agencies have been collaborating with al Qaeda since its creation, have a Covenant of Security with the Islamic terrorists, and even asked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to build pipelines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

So my suggestion is: why not have days on Russian media, in particular RT which has a large and growing audience in the UK, dedicated to exposing the 9/11-General Wesley Clark revelations?

But the weird and suspicious thing is: why is this not being done already?

Instead of this we get Zac Rothschild Goldsmith.


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