I did a quick search on MH17 on Twitter this morning.
Up popped this from NATO's favourite propagandist:
Higgins is quoted as saying to the
Nazi Post:
"The new investigation confirms Bellingcat's earlier work on the movements of the Buk on July 17, and that it originated from the 53rd brigade in Russia. At this point it's undeniable the Russian military provided the Buk, and there's more and more information that links it to the downing of MH17,” says Eliot Higgins, founder of Bellingcat.
Er, really?
Belling Cat's report from November showed a BUK in the Shnizhne region but that BUK was filmed in the afternoon, and south and moving further south of Shnizhne. A month or so later RTL Nieuws published a report into a photograph of a plume of smoke. A NATO missile expert said the plume was from a missile. Using geolocation a possible launch site was identified 5 Km south of Shnizhne. Now, all Belling Cat's work before Christmas indicated that MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne. This is why Belling Cat were ecstatic with the RTL Nieuws report which they 'proved' that MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne.
Yet here is Higgins proclaiming the Corrctiv report even though it says, using 'eyewitness' statements (from unidentified persons), that MH17 was shot down from a field 3 KM north of Shnizhne, not 5 Km south of Shnizhne!!
So how could BUK identified by Belling Cat as south and moving further south of Shnizhne and assumed to have shot down MH17 from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne get to a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne in broad daylight and nobody photographed it?
And it gets worse, because the two proposed fields do not lie on the line of sight in the photograph analysed by RTL Nieuws!!
So at least one of the reports, RTL Nieuws or Colectiv/Der Spiegel, is false.
But how could geolocation expert Higgins miss this?
Well, as I proved the other day, Higgins 'analysed' a video overlaying Russian radar data for MH17 and the flight path of MH17 as provided by the Dutch, i.e. NATO, investigation team. After intense analysis of that video Higgins said the Russian radar data was wrong. But the problem is the Russians were right!!!!! The Dutch, i.e. NATO, investigation team report of September contained text of the communications between MH17 and ATC which proved that the Russian radar data was right, that MH17 took a left and then right turn. But for whatever reason whoever produced the image of the flight path for the Dutch, i.e. NATO, investigation team report did not include the left and right turn that the report and the Russian radar data include.
But all this has escaped NATO's favourite propagandist and go-to weapons expert, Higgins.
But another tweet that popped up was this from the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
You've gotta laugh at Ukraine otherwise you'd cry.
You may recall that shortly after MH17 was shot down the Ukraine Security Service released tapes of alleged intercepted phone calls which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino, not Shnizhne.
Yet here is the Ukraine MFA pushing the Collectiv/Der Spiegel reports which suggest a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne.
First there is a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup to kick out Yanukovich and drag Ukraine into the NATO/EU/IMF sphere of influence. The neo-Nazis then burn people alive in Odessa, reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Then MH17 is shot down and the following happens:
1. The Ukraine Security Service release tapes which they say proves 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks at Chernukino shot down MH17;
2. they also release a video of a BUK in Luhansk, but the actual location was traced to a suburb several Kms west of Luhansk centre, and they say the video was shot at dawn on 18th July;
3. Belling Cat release a report in November which they say proves that MH17 was shot down south of Shnizhne by a BUK from Russia;
4. RTL Nieuws then publish a report of analysis into a photograph of a plume of smoke, and using Belling Cat's tool of geolocation identify a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne as the launch site, which is proclaimed as the gospel truth by Belling Cat and everyone else on the NATO side;
5. but then Collectiv and Der Spiegel publish parallel reports which identify a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne as the launch site which is also proclaimed the gospel truth. But these latest reports contain several contradictions to previous reports and other evidence:
(a) the BUK filmed in Luhansk was initially said by the Ukraine Security Service to have been filmed at dawn on 18th July. But I questioned why a BUK from Shnizhne would be in a west suburb of Luhansk. Collectiv have got around this by saying the BUK was actually filmed on the N21. But the N21 does not run through west Luhansk!! Another contradiction is the time the video was shot. The Ukraine Security Service said that all BUKs were back in Russia by 0400 on 18th July. I questioned that the light in the video suggests the video was shot at about 0500, which would contradict the Ukraine Security Service statement that all BUKs were back in Russia by 0400. But the Collectiv and Der Spiegel reports have got around this by at first saying that the video was filmed in the evening of 17th July, and then a few days later saying the late afternoon of 17th July.
(b) the RTL Nieuws report 'proved' that MH17 was shot down from 5 Km south of Shnizhne. This was 'proved' by geolocation showing that a field with a curious burnt patch and a mysterious piece of plastic found by Roland Oliphant lay on the line of sight of the plume in the photograph. But both the two fields identified by RTL Nieuws and Collectiv/Der Spiegel do not, repeat, not lie on that line of sight!!
All this and more has escaped Belling Cat.
So who is right?
1. the Ukraine Security Service who say 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino;
2. RTL Nieuws who say 5 Km south of Shnizhne (which Belling Cat agreed with because it backed up their November report);
3. Collectiv and Der Speigel who through anonymous 'eyewitness' statements say a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne (which somehow Belling Cat also agree with even though it contradicts their November report through location of launch site and several other aspects);
4. none of the above.
But the above tweet from the Ukraine MFA suggests that not even the Ukraine MFA trusts its own Ukraine Security Service!
So why should we?
Now forgive me for asking, but is a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne the same as a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne? The bleedin' obvious answer is no. So with so many contradictions and unless that BUK identified by Belling Cat somehow travelled from south Shnizhne to north Shnizhne then how can anyone, Belling Cat included, say with their hands on their hearts that they firmly believe that a BUK provided by Russia shot down MH17?
It appears that as long as a report blames Russia it doesn't matter. It can be a glossy well-produced multi-media show, or a simple PDF using coloured squiggly lines drawn on by the authors. It doesn't matter. As long as it blames Russia and ignores Ukraine's BUKs and ignores Ukraine's military aircraft then proclaim it as the gospel truth on MH17, even though it contradicts everything that was previously proclaimed as the gospel truth and ignores other evidence such as the presence of military aircraft close to MH17.
But all these conflicting conspiracy theories could be destroyed if the USA released their data from 'sensors' which they say the have and which they say proves that MH17 was shot down from Shnizhne, and the Ukraine military could open up its log books for scrutiny of all military flights on 17th July.
But for whatever reason they have not.
The plain and simple truth about Ukraine is this:
NATO has wanted Ukraine as a member for decades, so NATO runs a coup using violent neo-Nazis. Miraculously a plane is shot down over East Ukraine that gives the Netherlands (a founding member of NATO) control over the investigation. Immediately Russia and/or separatists are accused of shooting down MH17 with a BUK. However, even though Ukraine has BUKs and is also a member of the investigation team and stands to benefit from accusing Russia and the separatists, Ukraine's BUKs are not investigated. And when any report is published that blames Russia is published it is proclaimed as the gospel truth, even if it contradicts everything that was said before. As long as it looks and sounds good and blames Russia then it is 'good'. Never mind the bias and the contradictions.
The USA has not released its secret data. Ukraine has not opened its log books of military flights on 17th July. And any report blaming Russia is proclaimed the truth even though they all contradict themselves and ignores other evidence, e.g. eyewitnesses seeing military jets close to MH17 when it was shot down.
And now the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs doesn't trust the Ukraine Security Service which is handling evidence from MH17!!
The fix is in.
The team investigating MH17 is being led by a founding member of NATO which has coveted Ukraine as a member for decades so they are not going to let this chance go to waste. And one of the possible suspects, Ukraine, who stands to benefit from accusing Russia and the separatists, has BUks but they are not being investigated, and has fighter jets which were seen by eyewitnesses who say so on tape (in contrast to Collectiv's 'witnesses') and the Ukraine military is not being investigated either.
I also question the probability that of all the planes that flew over Ukraine that day that the one that was shot down would lead to such a biased investigation essentially controlled by NATO and their wannabe Ukraine?
I repeat: the fix is in.