Monday, January 19, 2015


Racist Eric Pickles has sent a letter to individual Muslim leaders in the UK asking them to expose "preachers of hate", etc.

He should also do the same to Jewish leaders.

And also write to (not Sir) Andrew Parker, the head of MI5, who has been allowing "preachers of hate", such as Michael Adebalajo, to preach Jihad against President Assad of Syria in order to provide fresh meat for the Jihad in Syria as part of the redirection exposed by Seymour Hersh in 2007, in which the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would unleash the nastiest cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran. This was done because by 2007 the plan for war on seven nations in five years revealed to General Wesley Clark was moribund.

I would like to bring to the attention of Pickles, and all the other racists, that on 22nd July 1946 Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. This was an attack on the British HQ in Palestine, i.e. an attack on Great Britain itself by Zionists.

But another attack had occured earlier on the British Army camp at Sarafand in which British soldiers were killed, weapons stolen and the camp blown up. Two Zionist terrorists were later captured and sentenced to death. The Zionist terrorists then went out and kidnapped two British soldiers, killed them, and hung the corpses from orange trees. But the terrorists went that one demented step further and had booby-trapped the corpses, so that when the corpses were cut down they exploded! One more British soldier was seriously injured. This is The Sergeant's Affair. Sick, eh?

From the mid-1930s Palestine was a battleground between Zionists terrorists and the British who had somehow been granted the mandate for Palestine, partly because of the Balfour Declaration and Sykes-Picot.

Basically, every Prime Minister of Israel has been a serious high-ranking Zionist terrorist, or had or has links to Zionist terrorism. For example, Nutter Netanyahu's daddy was secretary to Jabotinsky, the brains behind Irgun, who incidentally bombed the King David Hotel.

They couldn't give a fuck (like a few others I know personally).

Before WW2 the Nazis and the Zionists collaborated to get German Jews out of Germany and into Palestine. But German Jews preferred to stay in Nazi Germany rather than emigrate to Palestine. The Jewish Warburgs were organising opposition to boycotts of their pet project, the Nazis, as they sat on the boards of IG Farben and the Reichsbank creating and guiding Nazi Germany for world war.

Before the Holocaust Jews in general did not want to populate Palestine because they knew the hatred it would cause. But after the Holocaust (which we are not allowed question!!) world Jewry was bombing and murdering and terrorising Palestinians off their lands and driving them into the world's largest refugee camps, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

And all because the Rothschilds, followers of the sick pervert Jacob Frank who the Rothschilds financed while on his death bed at Offenbach, wanted to populate Palestine with Jews.

It is this demented drive that the Zionists must live in Palestine and nowhere but Palestine that has led to Israel, and horrors such as Israel murdering over 500 Palestinian children last year in yet another engineered war on the Occupied Territories with barely a whisper of condemnation from world leaders, except from Russia and Iran.

Did Eric Pickles write to 1000 Jewish leaders in Great Britain last summer asking that they root out Jewish preachers of hate? Er, no.

Pickles is a racist, uneducated bigot. A typical Tory, sucking up to money.

So by all means, write to Muslim leaders to ask that they root out preachers of hate. But also write Jewish leaders and MI5.

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