Saturday, January 10, 2015


Eliot Higgins is retweeting anyone who refers to the Correctiv report, even some guy from The Kiev Post!

But nobody seems to see that contrary to everything that Belling Cat have said, that report locates a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne as the alleged launch site while Belling Cat have been stating that the launch site was 5 Km south of Shnizhne!!


Can't they see it?

Is it ignore-massive-contradiction day today or what?

That field south of Shnizhne was 'geolocated' through using a photograph that the Ukraine Security Service handled...the same Ukraine Security Service who released tapes which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks in Chernukino shot down MH17. But this location 3 Km north of Shizhne is not in the line of sight from that photograph!!

They can't keep chopping and changing the launch site: it was Chernukino! Oh no it wasn't, it was south of Shnizhne! Oh no it wasn't, it was north of Shnizhne! Oh no it wasn't! Oh yes it was! Oh no it wasn't! Oh yes it was! Oh no it wasn't! Oh yes it was! Oh no it wasn't! Oh yes it was!

You're not funny.

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