Thursday, January 29, 2015


Very interesting!

Why did Theresa May appoint Tam and Emmerson?

So of the two QCs in the Litvinenko Inquiry:
1. Tam is close enough to MI5 that he represents them in a case against one of the best journalists in the world (imho);
2. Emmerson is counsel for the historic child abuse inquiry which is going nowhere that fast that the abused have appointed Michael Mansfield QC to run their own inquiry.

Emmerson's speciality seems to be representing people with strange sexual practices (The Bolton 7?).

And as Dejevsky questions: if the Litvinenko case was such a threat to this nation, and such a dastardly deed that justice must be done for poor Marina, then why has it taken 8 years to get an inquiry into his death, with the British government going to court to stop or postpone or block information from current and previous investigations into his death?

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