Sunday, January 18, 2015


There was a set of Jewish bankers, the Hofjuden, who served the British Royal family. They were the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Schiffs, among others.

The Rothschilds created Israel.

The Warburgs were instrumental in bringing forth and protecting the Nazis to persuade sceptical Jews into populating Palestine, through the Haavara, and then later Israel after the Holocaust by Warburgs Nazis.

The Schiffs boasted of financing revolutions in Russia. This desire to control Russia was later shown through Lord Jacob Rothschild and his association with Mikhail Khordokovsky and his Open Russia Foundation.

They sent their sons to be trained in each others banking houses.

Do not be fooled by them. They kill Palestinian babies at will. Over five hundred of 'em last year. Dead. Buried..what was left of them, anyway.

Four dead Jews and the world's police and military are patrolling the streets.

Over 500 dead Palestinian children and they get the champagne out.

This is how the world really works.

Do not be fooled by them.

Before the Holocaust they wrote that the young and the old and the sick and the frail Jews would have to suffer for Israel to be born. Economic dust these Jews condemned by Jews were called.

This is how the world really works.

Do not be fooled by them.

Je suis Zakaria Baker.

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