Friday, June 05, 2015


If there is only one thing worse than sending your child to a school that thinks it is OK to force children to write and draw pro-war propaganda then it is that that school is actually run by an actual arms manufacturer!!!

But it couldn't happen 2015...under the T4 Tories, right?


Corporations have already established a growing foothold in many UK schools, but the idea of Europe's biggest arms company running a school still seems like something out of an Orwellian nightmare.

However, it may be about to happen in Barrow, Cumbria, where BAE Systems is on the verge of taking over the faltering Furness Academy. The proposal is currently going through due diligence before being opened to a consultation with stakeholders, parents and staff, where it is expected to be supported. If it is agreed, BAE will become the school's sole sponsor later this year. They will also take responsibility for the 'strategic direction' of the school.

Education isn't just about grades, it's also about promoting values, informing perspectives and expanding minds. Could a weapons manufacturer ever act in the best interests of school children? How can a company that profits from international hostility ever be trusted to teach about areas like conflict resolution or the human cost of war?

[source : Arms companies are making money by taking over UK schools , Open Democracy,, 2nd June 2015]

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