Friday, June 05, 2015


I was going to scour the internet and find a few more images of Ukrainian 9M38M1 missiles but Belling Cat saved me the job.

But note the last statement:
We could go on; this is just a sampling of the open source evidence confirming that Ukraine — like Russia — still employs 9M38M1 missiles on its Buk missile systems. That being said, Mr. Smeshko’s erroneous remarks only serve to distract from the real issue — and the real evidence — of who is responsible for shooting down MH17.

The remarks by Mr Smeshko that are referred to are that apparently Ukraine had sold its last BUKs to Georgia.


Yes. Really.

So Ukraine had sold its last BUKs to Georgia yet there is ample evidence on social media showing this to be a lie?


Yes. Really.

Yet this is just one of the many lies and contradictions and just plain willingful ignorance surrounding MH17, arguably the biggest being that Belling Cat use that video of a BUK in Luhansk when Naida said that that BUK was in Russia by 2am but the video looks like it was filmed at 5am, yet the Ukraine Security Service cobbled together a tape which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks based at Chernukino shot down MH17 when Belling Cat believe that it was shot down from south of Shnizhne and the US State Dept even released a childish image (based on radar data they say) that they say shows that MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne.

It is time:
1. the USA releases its radar data;
2. the Ukraine Air Force confirms that Evgeny Agapov is correct and that contrary to what they have been telling the whole world, they were flying military missions on 17th July 2014, and to confirm what those missions were.

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