Monday, December 19, 2011


This was posted a few weeks ago, but it is so so important it needs reposting again and again and again...

This is David Icke talking about the plan for three world wars, the plan that I am 100% convinced (I was only 90% convinced) is being followed, and that what is occuring now in the Middle East and Caspian regions between NATO against Russia and China via several states in those regions is to satisfy that diabolical plan.

And it is diabolical.

Because that war, in parallel with engineered financial chaos, will drive many to beg for one world government, one world army and one world bank to stop similar future chaos.

And then that world government will start to kill the survivors, so that only a half to one billion people eventually survive. And those survivors will be virtual slaves living in a global fascist state policed by a brutal paramilitary force with powers to arrest, detain, torture and kill without evidence.

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