Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I recently read (I think in a Peter Oborne article but I may be wrong) that George Osborne is virtually our Prime Minister in all but name. He spends most of his time at No. 10 guiding and advising Cameron.

Osborne has been to Bilderberg almost every year for the last few years, including this year, so I suspect that Osborne advised Cameron to walk out of the Euro meeting last week. We know that Bilderbergers are told to advance Plan Bilderberg as much as possible within their sphere of influence. Advising, and possibly controlling, the Prime Minister is I would say within Osborne's sphere of influence. Osborne has supported Cameron's walk out very publicly since last Friday.

So assuming that Osborne advised Cameron to walk out and that Osborne did this as his duty to Bilderberg, besides brutal fascist austerity for everyone but themselves, what exactly is Plan Bilderberg?

There has been little if any protest from the Financial Times.

There has been little if any protest from Gollum van Rompuy (who attended Bilderberg this year with Osborne), who seems quite relaxed about the whole affair saying that at some point all 27 will be at the same table and an agreement could be reached then (but when that will be is not stated).

There has been little if any protest from Henry Kissinger, or indeed David Rockefeller.

If Cameron really had sunk the Euro by walking out last week then I would expect a lot more protest from the likes of van Rompuy, Kissinger and Rockefeller. We had been led to believe that the Euro was the wet dream of the New World Order. I would have expected Kissinger to have flown over personally to London with a few 'friends' to enquire politely of Cameron WTF he thought he was doing by wrecking their Euro dream. Editorials and comments demanding Cameron's head would have filled the newspapers.

So either the walk out and subsequent (very mild) protest is fake, to perhaps strengthen Cameron within a Euro-sceptic Tory party demanding a referendum, and the walk out, as dramatic as it has been portrayed, will actually have no effect.

Or Cameron really has sunk the Euro and it was part of Plan Bilderberg and the unaware pro- and anti-Euro politicians can point and wag their fingers at each other until the flames of hell rise up around them when Europe descends into anarchy.

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