Monday, December 04, 2006


Accuser of Putin alleging he finances al-Qaeda, and was behind 9/11 and 7/7.
Alleged smuggler of nuclear material.
And now possible blackmailer? of London-based oligarchs?

The pristine Litvinenko diamond is slowly turning into a zircon.

The report in The Observer yesterday is interesting to me for two reasons;
1. Litvinenko apparently told Svetlichnaja that "he was going to blackmail or sell sensitive information about all kinds of powerful people, including oligarchs, corrupt officials and sources in the Kremlin,' she said. 'He mentioned a figure of £10,000 that they would pay each time to stop him broadcasting these FSB documents. Litvinenko was short of money and was adamant that he could obtain any files he wanted.'"

I see the word "oligarchs" and I think of..."London-based oligarchs"?

2. this Shvets lives in Virginia, USA, and worked for...Berezovsky. So his neutrality is doubtful.

It gets murkier and murkier. As I said, it is a very shady world and anyone could be playing any part.

The Observer report is at

ps still awaiting the post mortem of Litvinenko.

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