Saturday, June 02, 2007


"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg

"From the days of Sparticus, Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotski, belacoon, Rosa Luxenberg and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the under-world of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
--Winston Churchill, 1922.

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."--David Rockefeller, Memoirs

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries"--David Rockefeller to The Trilateral Commission, June 1991

"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans' freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight."--President John F. Kennedy to a Columbia University audience, Nov. 13, 1963, just over a week prior to his assassination.

"It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."--Henry Ford

And my personal favourite;

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits."--Lord Josiah Stamp

The list of quotes in which powerful people openly discuss world government and the conspiracy in motion to achieve it is endless.

But how could you achieve global governance?

1. secure control of money supply so that you can create virtually unlimited amounts of money for your plan, and keep that power as secret as possible
2. use that power to finance agents to engineer major wars, then finance all sides of those wars thus making handsome profits, and convince the world it needs global governance to stop the major wars you are engineering and financing!
3. create religious myths to persuade the people to be good and that someone upon high is always watching and looking out for them, while you allow your animal greed instinct to invade and kill in the name of whatever religion
4. occupy the masses with pathetic TV and soap operas, films, gardening etc, pornography, violent games, social movements with drink and drugs, and anything else that will occupy the docile masses so they haven't a clue, and more importantly don't want to have a clue.
5. control and pollute the food and water supply via GM and flouride

There. It sounds dead easy. Except it's not turned out that way. Some have managed to postpone the progress of this plan, and have openly opposed it.

These conspirators don't give a FCUK!! It's that simple. They'll pat you on the back with their right hand and then stab you in the back with their left. They'll send your kids off to war for a pack of lies and then treat them like shit if they survive and return home. They'll finance genocidal dictators like Hitler and Stalin, and impose brutal, racist regimes such as Israel to create anger and terror which can be easily manipulated into a very dangerous war, particularly with Israel being given the nuke by us.

Do you want these ruthless murderers ruling the planet, doing whatever they want with your kids? They discuss mass depopulation, they finance the pervert Kinsey and his "work", and they ultimately control the drug and slave trade that they say they oppose.

It's upto you.

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