Bronfman's outrageous comment is available at
Why do I believe Bronfman's to be outrageous?
Bronfman is a multi-billionaire, yet has the cheek to write the following;
"Religious zealotry, the source of so much hatred and violence today, is the last thing Jews should encourage."
Yet the Jewish State of Israel is this very minute starving Gaza in a blockade akin to the methods employed by the Nazis to the Polish ghettos.
Bronfman could feed every man, woman and child in Gaza for a decade. Instead the children of Gaza fight with the dogs and the gulls for scraps of food on the rubbish tips. Such treatment is bound to drive Gaza into extremism and thus more violence.
So have a zealot-free heart, Edgar. Surely you can spare a few million dollars to feed Gaza at Hannukah?

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