Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Boxer worked his arse off, worked himself into an early grave, always believing his masters were right and had his well-being in mind when the orders to work were given out.

One beautiful summer day Boxer collapsed from exhaustion, and was told he was going to a very good hospital to recover his strength to continue the good work. But in fact his masters had sold him to the local horse slaughterer. The animals arrived just in time to read the lettering on the van that took him away to be slaughtered, and the word 'slaughterer' worried the animals very much.

The animal leadership explained that the vet had only just bought the van from the local horse slaughterer and had not had time to repaint the van, hence the word 'slaughterer' on the van.

The animals accepted this explanation.

A few days later it was reported that Boxer had died.

You see, the animals didn't think. They, like Boxer, thought Napoleon was always right. They didn't, and could never, believe that Napoleon could be corrupt.

They believed that Gordon Brown was always right.

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