Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The majority of the nuclear power plants proposed yesterday by Ed Miliband, designed to secure our energy requirements for the future, are on the coast.

For years we have been terrified by the prospect of rises in sea levels due to the MMGW, and that because of MMGW we must be taxed more and placed under oppressive levels of surveillance and lose yet more freedoms.

And all the while we expand air transport, the most polluting activity of mankind, and we are driven into using cars more and more instead of improving our public transport network, and our police harass and spy on climate change activists?

Yet we are going to place nearly ten fully functional nuclear reactors, securing our future energy needs, right next to the sea?!

This does not make sense...unless as a growing number of sceptical members of the public believe that MMGW is as fictional as WMDs in Iraq.

The threat of MMGW due to CO2 has been used to introduce a nuclear energy policy.

But who owns the uranium mines?

And who processes uranium ore?

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