Monday, January 24, 2011


Here's another suggestion to add the many put forth already.

The rage of the Rothschilds at the recent jailing of Khodorkovsky was shown clearly in the British media; THEY WENT BERSERK!

Khodorkovsky (or someone pretending to be him) was even given the editorial of The Guardian!

The Rothschild network had to do something to show their minions that they will be looked after, so...BOOM!

Putin has got them on the run.

That's why they are over here in London, or in Tel Aviv, being given BBC air time and newspaper column space to propagate their revolutionary calls to overthrow Putin without fear of prosecution by our government for incitement or murder.

Russia will be the largest single national source of fossil fuels, and is very rich in other natural and mineral resources.

And if the oil prices are going to double, as Pastor Williams proposes, then Russia, as well as Iran, are going to become rich, and can survive without IMF bailouts and teach their children about the New World Order...I hope...

Remember that it was Rothschild family chum Jacob Schiff who financed the Russian Revolution. Terror is nothing to these gits. The Red Terror. The Jewish Terror in Palestine, even planning to blow up our Parliament, and killing British soldiers, after we'd destroyed the Nazis for them!

This is just a suggestion. Other suggestions do exist.

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