Friday, April 29, 2011


The muggins British taxpayer has just been robbed blind by the Nazi banks of The City of London and Wall Street, without any prosecution and inadequate condemnation from HM Queen.

The muggins British taxpayer is being asked to suffer cuts in health, education, and many other public services to pay for the bailouts of the aforementioned Nazi banks.

The muggins British taxpayer is being asked to commit suicide and familicide by drastically reducing their carbon footprint.

The muggins British taxpayer has already fought two brutal world wars to create the emerging dictatorial world and european governments.

The muggins British taxpayer is being asked to fight in, support and finance yet more unnecessary engineered wars at a time of austerity to bring about more terror and world government.

The muggins British taxpayer is being signed over to a dictatorial european government by HM Queen.

The muggins British taxpayer is apparently excited about a wedding today.

The muggins British taxpayer says it should put a smile on the nation's face.

The muggins British taxpayer must be saved from this insanity.

The muggins British taxpayer will not have a smile on their face as they are kicked out of their homes because they have no jobs.

The muggins British taxpayer will not have a smile on their face as they struggle to buy food because they have no jobs, inadequate social security, and inflation has put basic foodstuff out of reach.

The muggins British taxpayer will not have a smile on their face as they are pressurised into killing their elderly and/or disabled relatives to pay for the bailout of the Nazi gambling banks (because dead old granny doesn't need a pension and dead old granny doesn't need expensive health treatment).

The muggins British taxpayer will not have a smile on their face as their sons and daughters in the military return home in coffins.

The muggins British taxpayer will form part of an alleged 2 billion people watching the wedding (which means 5 billion will not be watching, and I will be one of them).

The muggins British taxpayer is a target for a reduction in global human population to about 1 billion, possibly 0.5 billion.

The muggins British taxpayer must awaken from its stupor.

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