Thursday, October 06, 2011


Cameron made a nautical reference to the economy in his speech to The Conservative conference yesterday.

But if we put in the effort, correct those mistakes, confront those vested interests and take on the failed ideas of the past, then I know we can turn this ship around.[1]

Cameron thinks we can avoid a terrible fate, by changing course. But it is too late. The Titanoik, aka the British economy, has been hit by the iceberg of the troubled Euro and a severe austerity budget. She is sinking. All growth estimates indicate she is in trouble, being low and then revised down. And The Bank of England surprised the world today with yet more quantitative easing, a month earlier and a larger quantity than expected[2], implying there is growing concern there.

Abandon the severe austerity budget!

Prosecute banks like JP Morgan Chase and senior bankers like David Rockefeller for fraud and conspiracy to murder (they knew beforehand that a result of their trashing of the economy would be the deaths of our old and sick because health services would be slashed, but it's in his blood due to the Rockefeller involvement with eugenics and the Nazis).

[1] Full text: David Cameron's Conservative conference speech,
[2] Quantitative easing boosted by £75bn by Bank of England, The Guardian, 6/10/2011

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