Friday, May 18, 2012


Threats and warnings of financial chaos over the Euro.

Threats and warnings of nuclear war from Russia and from any strike on Iran.

And both happening at the same time?

How will you feel in 3 to 6 months time if (and I stress the if because I believe this engineered chaos has been delayed and postponed and delayed even more so that too many people are now aware of the engineers and their diabolical scheme) there is parallel chaos from a financial crash and nuclear war?

Do you think you will be begging for a global fascist dictatorship?

Because that is the plan.

When has Europe ever been united?

Under Hitler? Under the Roman Empire?

These are not good examples of a United Europe are they, and examples that should never ever ever be repeated.

When the WTC and Pentagon were blown up during the inside job 9/11 the New World Order were committed to starting a large war with Russia and China in the Middle East. Some basic maths indicates that 2007/8 was when it was all supposed to happen. Lehman Brothers was supposed to cause a massive financial crisis, one bigger than actually occured, and war on Iran was supposed to happen at the same time. The purpose was to cause so much chaos to provoke calls from the world's population for a global fascist dictatorship, which would then proceed to quickly wipe out 90% of the world's population.

But here we are in 2012.

And with many, many, many more people now awake, including alot of the police and military of the USA if reports from Alex Jones are correct.

We may not all agree on the solution, but all have recognised that a cult of Satan-worshipping kiddie-fiddling warmongering bankers and their minions have been engineering wars and financial crises and terrorism with one aim; to create a global fascist dictatorship.

They are desperate, and becoming more and more desperate by the second. They are now that desperate that they are trying to bring back the most hated and untrusted man in the UK, Tony Blair!

They are a global joke.

They are embarrassing themselves.

Their doom is guaranteed.

So what if a little chaos follows if Greece, then Italy, then Spain leave the Euro. Europe has never been united unless it was under a tyrannical dictatorship.

Little isolated Iceland survived and is a shining example of what can be achieved with positive thinking; a growing economy and minions locked up.

More positive thinking is required. Do not let this scum cast a wicked spell over us so we fall into their trap and succumb to the fear and terror they are trying to bring down upon us.

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