Sunday, December 30, 2012


Der Fuhrer Dave's New Year Message has arrived!

He talks of "heading in the right direction", as if in response to my first draft that I posted a few days ago (and I haven't even finished and posted it yet).

Anyway, a transcript of the message is available on the Number 10 website

This is what Dave says regarding taking directions.
So to anyone starting this New Year with questions about where we are heading and what the future holds, I want to reassure you of this: we are on the right track. On all the big issues that matter to Britain, we are heading in the right direction and I have the evidence to prove it.

The biggest issue that matters to Britain is our money supply; who controls it and who issues it.

One of the most famous quotes regarding money supply is attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and it goes something like this:
Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes the laws.

And we can see what happens when we do not control our money supply.

The banks create money out of nothing. They lend it out; to private customers, to nation states. They can lend to anyone. And in the early 2000s they did. They created many many loans for jobless no-hopers to buy homes knowing full well that those loans would never be repaid. They also created exotic financial products that were supposed to eliminate risk so that when the loans were not repaid nobody would lose any money. But guess what? The loans were not repaid and many people lost their money. Pension funds bought these products being told by credit rating agencies that they were guaranteed AAA when they were in fact ZZZ, if that! The people who did not lose were the banks that had been represented at Bilderberg; JP Morgan Chase, Citi, Deutsche, etc. It was, as Charles Ferguson's film Inside Job tried to show, truly an inside job, more of an inside job than 9/11.

So some insider banks were bailed out, others were left to go under and were bought up with bailout money, and any debts dumped on to the general public.

The result for the general public?

SAVAGE BRUTAL AUSTERITY EVERYWHERE (everywhere except in the 200 room mansions owned by the bankers).

The policies that Der Fuhrer is implementing now are due to the banker's gambling debts that were dumped onto the public. And that is because the banks have the power to create money out of nothing and abused it and are able to buy off politicians like Dave.

Der Fuhrer mentions only three policies that we are supposed to embrace and celebrate; education, welfare and pensioners.

Not much to embrace and celebrate there though.

Teachers are demoralised and working to rule. After talking with mathematics teachers the reason why more are apparently passing and getting A* yet universities and employers are protesting low standards is because the syllabus has got easier, because the multiple qualification boards are in a race to the bottom to make it easier by the year to pass so that more students pay to take their examinations. So having one single qualification board would be useful. But that is about as good as it gets.

There is a determination in this government to implement Workfare, despite their own evidence that it just does not work. Workfare is forcing people to work for corporations while the taxpayer pays the scandalous pitiful low low wage. Now THAT is fascism, pure and simple, and exposes the true heritage of this government.

And as for pensioners? 2.5% rise was it? WOW!!!

No mention of destroying the NHS and murdering the young and old in a Nazi T4-style euthanasia program to save money.

No mention of unnecessary military adventures that risk a horrific world war 3.

No mention of hunting down and eliminating the paedophile scum and those who use and blackmail them.

No mention of the alliance with al Qaeda and other terrorists in Libya and Syria and Iran and Russia and China while those same terrorists are cited as the reason to destroy what freedoms we have left.

No mention of any bankers who deliberately caused the financial crisis being hunted down, prosecuted and locked up for a very very very long time while someone on the fringe of a 'riot' who takes an ice cream or a bottle of water is locked up for a year.

Most of our problems could be solved if we followed the superb advice of Lord Josiah Stamp:
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money."

We are heading towards a fascist dictatorial hell.

And in my humble opinion that is the wrong direction.

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