Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I am getting really, really sick of saying this, because the corrupt morons in The Marsten House just do not want to see how evil the DFQ really is, but events in Syria are due to 9/11. The attacks on 9/11 were an inside job. Saudi Arabia supplied the patsies while Zionists planned and ran the operation, and guided the response of the American public and military to the attacks. The Zionists had previously written two documents demanding war on their enemies: in 1996 a document called A Clean Break demanding war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon/Hezbollah; and in 2000 The Project for a New American Century called Rebuilding America's Defenses calling for war on primarily Iraq and Iran but recognising the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to provoke outrage. Members of PNAC, on 9/11, were in very powerful positions: Vice President; Secretary of Defense; Deputy Secretary of Defense. They also commanded powerful positions in the media to influence the American public.

Shortly after this inside job 9/11 the former Commander of NATO in Europe General Wesley Clark was told by an unnamed Pentagon officer that the Secretary of Defense had told him that the USA was going to be involved in war and regime change in seven countries in five years. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. You will note that the first four were named in A Clean Break, and that Iraq and Iran were named in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses. This was at a time when there was no evidence whatsoever that any of these seven nations was involved in 9/11.

If you wondered why we went into Iraq in 2003 only to find out that, contrary what we were told, Iraq was not involved in 9/11 and did not have WMDs, then this is why.

If you wondered why Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in 2006, then this is why.

If you wondered why UN SCR 1973 was totally abused in 2011 to eventually kill Colonel Gaddafi, then this is why.

However, the war on Libya was different to the previous wars. By 2007 there had only been two of the seven wars, and Israel had lost to Hezbollah. So a Plan B was hatched between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. But it appears that Libya was selected. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb were portrayed as 'freedom fighters' in The Arab Spring who we had to protect. But this was the precise reason why Washington engineered The Arab Spring. So NATO abused UN SCR 1973 and quickly went from protecting civilians to bombing Libya military positions, assassinating Gaddafi's family relations (children included), BSF were on the ground assisting and advising the Jihadis, to eventually kill Gaddafi. Libya, once the jewel of Africa, with the highest UN HDI in Africa, is now a complete mess; lawless Jihadi organisations fighting in the streets, with spillover in to neighboring nations.

After Libya the Jihadis and weapons looted from the Libyan arsenal were smuggled into Syria where they have been committing atrocity after atrocity. But the Syrian military has recovered from early losses and the Jihadis face defeat. Prince Bandar, sponsor of the Jihadis, was sent to Moscow to threaten Putin that if Russia didn't dump Assad then there would be hell on earth in Syria. Putin rejected. So on 21st August 2013 something happened in Ghouta. This was designed to provoke a large scale military intervention by NATO on behalf of the cutthroat Jihadis. But it failed. The Syrian military then began to chase the Jihadis, who escaped to Iraq. The Kurds told NATO about this escape months in advance, but NATO did nothing. Instead the Iraqi Army was ordered to stand down to allow the escaping Jihadis to capture weapons, bank accounts, natural resources and territory. The Jihadis, drunk with power, declared themselves The Islamic State and have been putting down any resistance with medieval brutality, much like in the mother country, their sponsors, Saudi Arabia!

Syria was supposed to have fallen years ago, but has resisted and resisted. The event in Ghouta last year was supposed to provoke bombing of Syrian military positions, but it failed. The Islamic State has beheaded journalists from the USA and the UK The Islamic State has provoked bombing of Syria but not of Syrian military positions. At least, not yet. President Obomber has stated that any attack on US military by Syria will be seen as an act of war. A report last week suggested that the USA and Syria were going to cooperate to avoid mistakes, but despite the USA saying it told Syria that IS was going to be attacked, Syria denies cooperating and giving permission.

They will not give up. They did 9/11 to kick out leaders like Assad. Saddam and Gaddafi have gone. Nasrallah and Assad are still there. Iran has not been attacked. So do not be fooled that this action against IS is not aimed in some way against Assad.

Here are 4 reasons why military action against the Islamic State is a very, very bad idea:

1. The US military is stating that this action will not be quick. Suggestions are already being made in the NATO media that Syrian military will also be attacked. It is going to take at least 6 months for Saudi Arabia to train further rebels. So what is supposed to happen between now and then? If IS is degraded and destroyed too quickly then the SAA will destroy the remaining rebels leaving the fresh Saudi-trained rebels totally exposed to the much more experienced SAA. So this is why it is going to take a long time to degrade and destroy IS; a stalemate, at the least, must be preserved so that in 6 months time the fresh Saudi-trained rebels can have some effect. So what are the consequences? As in all wars civilians will pay the price. The IS will blend into the civilian population. Contrary to The Gaza Strip, the IS can establish positions in the territories they hold. Gaza has a massive population density that makes it very difficult to not fight from civilian areas. American missiles do not have 100% accuracy. So civilian deaths will result, and be used by the IS, to recruit and raise funds.

2. There is the potential that the Syrian military erroneously attacks a US fighter jet, or is provoked into doing so, or the US claims that Syria attacked a US fighter jet, resulting in the USA declaring war on Syria. And in that case, Russia and/or China will step in.

3. There is also the potential for terrorist attacks at home in retaliation.

4. There are no boots en masse on the ground as yet, but there is always the potential for this, particularly when the militaries are stating at such an early stage that any action will take a long time.

In the 6 months before the Saudi-trained rebels will be ready the finances of the Islamic State can be degraded and destroyed, their sponsors sanctioned, Qatar stripped of The World Cup, etc.

But primarily this action in Syria is aimed at kicking out Assad as part of the plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11.

And as with 9/11 we find in this action on Syria the hands of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This is a very, very, very bad idea.

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