Saturday, June 04, 2016


Studies of the deaths of witnesses in Dealey Palza who died after the JFK assassination found that the probability of them dying in that numnber and in the way they died to be virtually impossible.

But they died...and in the way the did.

This kind of improbability is beginning to appear again, but this time in the Trump-Stone-Infowhores axis.

For example, Roy Cohn, a hero of Dodgy Roger Stone, was on the board of Permindex which is implicated in the JFK assassination. But Cohn was also best mates with David Schine, whose father Myer owned the Ambassador Hotel where Robert Kennedy was assassinated! And not only that, Myer allowed J Edgar Hoover to stay at his hotels for free, when Cohn was the conduit of sleaze from Hoover to the press whenever Hoover wanted to destroy anybody!

I mean, what are the chances?

But Cohn was also the lawyer/consiglieri for the New York Mafia, AND procured children for a CIA satanic cult AND supplied children for a paedophile entrapment ring to collect blackmail material for the CIA.

And now there's blood-drinking neo-Confederate General Alex Jones, whose family is riddled with CIA, now promoting Trump, who has a book of Hitler's speeches by his bedside for a little nighttime reading, when Trump was Cohn's protege and even called Cohn his "greatest friend"!?

I mean, what are the chances?

What are the chances that some kind of CIA/mob network is now running a coup?

Remember, it was Dodgy Roger Stone who:
1. enabled the PNAC wars by organising a riot in Florida (which is funny now that Infowhores rant about riots at Trump rallys), which stopped a recount, which gave Florida to George W Bush, and in the White House W was surrounded by bloodthirsty PNACers ready to pounce when their "new Pearl Harbor" occured;
2. scuttled the investigation into Wall Street by Eliot Spitzer, which allowed Wall Street to continue their fraudulent corrupt practices, which led to the financial crisis of 2007/8, and us now and still suffering austerity.

So thank Roger Stone for the wars and the austerity.

I mean, what are the chances?

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