Monday, September 19, 2022


Queen Victoria - unleashed Communism to overthrow European monarchies, then unleashed the US Civil War to break up the USA.

King Edward VII - engineered WW1 to destroy nations organising against the British system by bringing Britain out of 'splendid isolation' and formed a set of alliances to encircle Germany should war break out.

King George V - after assassinating Arch Duke Ferdinand through Freemasonic agents he kicked off WW1 by telling Germany that Britain would not join in any war which provoked Germany and Russia into mobilising, but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium he ordered Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war, and the alliances engineered by Edward VII fell into place.

King Edward VIII - traitor and overt supporter of the Nazis.

King George VI - financed the operation to get Bormann and the Nazi loot out of Germany to South America.

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