Monday, November 21, 2022


9/11 was not done by Muslims managed by a man in a cave in Afghanistan.

9/11 was a sophisticated operation which enabled passenger planes to be hijacked and flown around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours before flying into the WTC and even the Pentagon!

The former President and Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated in November 2007 that the intels around the world know for a fact that Mossad and the CIA did 9/11. And all evidence points to this.

Here NATO General Wesley Clark exposes what happened shortly after 9/11: he was told of a plan for war and regime in 7 countries in 5 years, even though not one of those countries had anything to do with 9/11.

Note that 6 of the countries have experienced war and/or regime change since 9/11.

Only Iran, which was the final target, has not experienced war and/or regime change.

In 2007 the British tried to provooke war by sending Marines into Iranian waters.

In 2009/10 the CIA kicked off another of their colour revolutions: the Green Revolution in Iran.

In 2020 Trump tried to start war with Iran by assassinating General Soleimani.

And today we see the Anglo-Saudi plot to destabilise Iran.

Repeat after me : 9/11 was not done by Muslims.

Repeat after me : 9/11 was not done by Muslims.

Repeat after me : 9/11 was not done by Muslims.

Repeat after me : 9/11 was not done by Muslims.

They may run paedophile gangs in the UK assisted by the state to smear all Muslims.

But 9/11 was not done by Muslims.

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