Wednesday, October 25, 2023


8th December is Da Ickez Instant Karma (DIIKz) Day.

The killer vaccines were rolled out on 8th December 2020.

They should not have been because The Daily Mail had nailed the cause of the excess deaths of 2020 on 12th July 2020: Midazolam.

But somehow the Icke spirit guides 'forgot' to tell the Ickes and allowed the Ickes to make complete arses of themselves by blaming 5G for the excess deaths. But in doing so this allowed the roll-out of the killer vaccines on 8th December 2020.


Another curiosity is that Jacqui Deevoy only told David Icke about euthanasia in care homes on 9th December 2020, the day AFTER the killer vaccines had been rolled out.

Armed with just one of these (Midazolam or euthanasia) David Icke could have stopped the roll-out of the killer vaccines.

But for whatever reason the spirit guides of the Ickes did not or could not get this crucial information across that could have saved many, many lives and exposed and stopped the NWO, and we would not be in this very dangerous mess.


How did this happen?

Have the Ickes visited any spiritual mediums to find out what happened? [clue : Garth went for a walk/prance around England instead of looking for information in the media]

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