Tuesday, July 09, 2024


Dyson backed Brex-shit, but then moved to Singapore.

Now he's sacking 1/3 of his UK workforce.

A bit like Da Ickez organised crime family backing Brex-shit, but then sourcing their merchandise from China and Israel.

PS Singapore is a founding member of the CPTPP, which the UK is now a member of.

You telling me that you can't understand the alliance between The City of London and China since Bilderberg 20111? 

Even David "Mr Brex-shit" Icke sees the power transfer to China. You think The City of London wasn't controlling this power transfer?

It all started at Bilderberg 2011.

Check. It. Out!

But our Dave won't admit it because then his whole lifes work will be destroyed.

He got 2020 wrong.

He got Brex-shit wrong.

Brex-shit enabled current events re virus/vaccine scam.

See : Dyson to cut nearly one third of UK workforce

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