Israel is the litmus test.
Israel whacked JFK : JFK opposed US ally Israel having the bomb, so Israel and a bunch of hard core anti-communists in CIA/FBI/mob whacked JFK. LBJ then gave Israel all that it wanted.
Israel attacked the USS Liberty : LBJ protected Israel.
Israel whacked RFK : RFK was going to expose Israel and JFK.
Israel did 9/11 : The Dancing Israelis knew what was going to happen.
And until I see Satan-yahu and The Dancing Israelis in hand cuffs in New York then Trump will be protecting the globalist international order, not destroying it.
And with Lindsey Graham apparently turning on Zelensky too, then there is a strong whiff of some kind of script being followed here.
We nned to see Trump talk to chief WEF vampire Quing Charles III and Satan-yahu the way he talked to Zelensky.
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