A week or so ago Alex let slip that Andrew Jackson sent Alex's ancestors to Texas to "start the project".
Now Alex has stated that Alex's ancestors lived in New York and ran slaughterhouses, that their slaughterhouses were sold to fund this project in Texas, that Jackson sent Alex's ancestors to Texas, and that 2 ship loads of Protestant bibles were sent to Alex's ancestors in Texas.
Alex then goes into the Alamo and Travis.
The Alamo was part of the rebellion against Mexico. And that rebellion was due to Mexico banning slavery.
After this rebellion Texas was established.
And Texas was a slave state with a most racist constitution.
Now, guess who loved slavery?
Andrew Jackson.
So did Jackson order Alex's ancestors to establish the slave state of Texas out of Mexico?
It sounds very much like that is the very sad case.
And that Alex cannot reocncile himself with this and is desperate to hide this.
But it gets much worse.
Alex's ancestors then went on to fight in the US Civil War to preserve slavery.at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army.
Can we trust Alex now?
Hiding this?
What else is Alex hiding?
Jackson is a hero of Alex.
Alex flogs a book entitled, The Creature from Jekyll Island, which portrays Jackson as a saint.
But Jackson loved slavery, was the Godfather of the Confederacy, and was one of the most powerful slaveholdrers in the USA.
Another hero of Alex is Trump, the same Trump who refuses to demand that Satan-yahu hand over The Dancing Israelis for some serious questioning.
And it looks like 32nd degree Freemason Chase Geiser has a similar ancestry to Alex.
Very, very interesting.